IRDPSRAPIViewer::StartReverseConnectListener method (rdpencomapi.h)

[The IRDPSRAPIViewer interface is no longer available for use for UWP applications as of Windows 10, version 1709. It is still supported for Desktop apps.]

Initiates a listener for accepting reverse connections from the sharer to the viewer, or obtains the connection string that the sharer uses to reverse connect to the viewer.


HRESULT StartReverseConnectListener(
  [in]  BSTR bstrConnectionString,
  [in]  BSTR bstrUserName,
  [in]  BSTR bstrPassword,
  [out] BSTR *pbstrReverseConnectString


[in] bstrConnectionString

Type: BSTR

The connection string that the sharer will use to start the listener.

[in] bstrUserName

Type: BSTR

The user name to use for authentication.

[in] bstrPassword

Type: BSTR

The password to use for authentication.

[out] pbstrReverseConnectString

Type: BSTR*

A pointer to a BSTR that receives the connection string that the sharer can use to reverse connect to the viewer by using the IRDPSRAPISharingSession::ConnectToClient method.

Return value


If the method succeeds, the return value is S_OK. Otherwise, the return value is an error code.


This method is used to perform two separate operations:

  • The first is to allow the viewer to obtain the connection string that the sharer uses to reverse connect to the viewer. To do so, the bstrConnectionString, bstrUserName, and bstrPassword parameters must all be NULL. The viewer then sends this connection string to the sharer in an application-defined method, such as storing the connection string in a file and sharing the file with the sharer.
  • The second operation is to initiate a listener that will watch for reverse connect attempts from the sharer. For this operation, the pbstrReverseConnectString parameter must be NULL.
The normal sequence of events for this procedure is as follows:
  1. The viewer obtains its connection string by calling the StartReverseConnectListener method, passing NULL for the bstrConnectionString, bstrUserName, and bstrPassword parameters.
  2. The viewer initiates a reverse connect listener by calling the StartReverseConnectListener method, passing NULL for the pbstrReverseConnectString parameter and valid values for the bstrConnectionString, bstrUserName, and bstrPassword parameters.
  3. The viewer sends the connection string obtained in step 1 to the sharer.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header rdpencomapi.h
DLL RdpEncom.dll

See also