WlanConnect function (wlanapi.h)

The WlanConnect function attempts to connect to a specific network.


DWORD WlanConnect(
  [in] HANDLE                            hClientHandle,
  [in] const GUID                        *pInterfaceGuid,
  [in] const PWLAN_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS pConnectionParameters,
       PVOID                             pReserved


[in] hClientHandle

The client's session handle, returned by a previous call to the WlanOpenHandle function.

[in] pInterfaceGuid

The GUID of the interface to use for the connection.

[in] pConnectionParameters

Pointer to a WLAN_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS structure that specifies the connection type, mode, network profile, SSID that identifies the network, and other parameters.

Windows XP with SP3 and Wireless LAN API for Windows XP with SP2:  There are some constraints on the WLAN_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS members. This means that structures that are valid for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista may not be valid for Windows XP with SP3 or Wireless LAN API for Windows XP with SP2. For a list of constraints, see WLAN_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS.


Reserved for future use. Must be set to NULL.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.

If the function fails, the return value may be one of the following return codes.

Return code Description
One of the following conditions occurred:
  • hClientHandle is NULL or invalid.
  • pInterfaceGuid is NULL.
  • pConnectionParameters is NULL.
  • The dwFlags member of the structure pointed to by pConnectionParameters is not set to one of the values specified on the WLAN_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS page.
  • The wlanConnectionMode member of the structure pointed to by pConnectionParameters is set to wlan_connection_mode_discovery_secure or wlan_connection_mode_discovery_unsecure, and the pDot11Ssid member of the same structure is NULL.
  • The wlanConnectionMode member of the structure pointed to by pConnectionParameters is set to wlan_connection_mode_discovery_secure or wlan_connection_mode_discovery_unsecure, and the dot11BssType member of the same structure is set to dot11_BSS_type_any.
  • The wlanConnectionMode member of the structure pointed to by pConnectionParameters is set to wlan_connection_mode_profile, and the strProfile member of the same structure is NULL or the length of the profile exceeds WLAN_MAX_NAME_LENGTH.
  • The wlanConnectionMode member of the structure pointed to by pConnectionParameters is set to wlan_connection_mode_profile, and the strProfile member of the same structure is NULL or the length of the profile is zero.
  • The wlanConnectionMode member of the structure pointed to by pConnectionParameters is set to wlan_connection_mode_invalid or wlan_connection_mode_auto.
  • The dot11BssType member of the structure pointed to by pConnectionParameters is set to dot11_BSS_type_infrastructure, and the dwFlags member of the same structure is set to WLAN_CONNECTION_ADHOC_JOIN_ONLY.
  • The dot11BssType member of the structure pointed to by pConnectionParameters is set to dot11_BSS_type_independent, and the dwFlags member of the same structure is set to WLAN_CONNECTION_HIDDEN_NETWORK.
  • The dwFlags member of the structure pointed to by pConnectionParameters is set to WLAN_CONNECTION_IGNORE_PRIVACY_BIT, and either the wlanConnectionMode member of the same structure is not set to wlan_connection_mode_temporary_profile or the dot11BssType member of the same structure is set to dot11_BSS_type_independent.
The handle hClientHandle was not found in the handle table.
Various error codes.
The caller does not have sufficient permissions.


The WlanConnect function returns immediately. To be notified when a connection is established or when no further connections will be attempted, a client must register for notifications by calling WlanRegisterNotification.

The strProfile member of the WLAN_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS structure pointed to by pConnectionParameters specifies the profile to use for connection. If this profile is an all-user profile, the WlanConnect caller must have execute access on the profile. Otherwise, the WlanConnect call will fail with return value ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. The permissions on an all-user profile are established when the profile is created or saved using WlanSetProfile or WlanSaveTemporaryProfile.

To perform a connection operation at the command line, use the netsh wlan connect command. For more information, see Netsh Commands for Wireless Local Area Network (wlan).

Windows XP with SP3 and Wireless LAN API for Windows XP with SP2:  You can only use WlanConnect to connect to networks on the preferred network list. To add a network to the preferred network list, call WlanSetProfile.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista, Windows XP with SP3 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header wlanapi.h (include Wlanapi.h)
Library Wlanapi.lib
DLL Wlanapi.dll
Redistributable Wireless LAN API for Windows XP with SP2

See also

