Experience settings — MRTK2

One of the challenges of creating UI for Mixed Reality is aligning across different experiences. With MRTK, you can set the Target Experience Scale and the Content Offset for your scene, will configue the following to behave appropriately for the target scale.

  • Mixed Reality Scene Content

  • Boundary System

    Experience Settings in the MRTK Configuration Profile

Target Experience Scale

The Target Experience Scale specifies the environment for which the experience is designed. It can take on the following values.

  • OrientationOnly - An experience which utilizes only the headset orientation and is gravity aligned. The coordinate system origin is at head level.
  • Seated - An experience designed for seated use. The coordinate system origin is at floor level.
  • Standing - An experience designed for stationary standing use. The coordinate system origin is at floor level.
  • Room - An experience designed to support movement throughout a room. The coordinate system origin is at floor level.
  • World - An experience designed to utilize and move through the physical world. The coordinate system origin is at head level.

Content Offset

This parameter specifies the height above the floor to offset Mixed Reality Scene Content when Alignment Type is set to Align with Experience Scale