Hand interaction examples — MRTK2

Hand Interaction Examples 1

The HandInteractionExamples example scene contains various types of interactions and UI controls that highlight articulated hand input. With MRTK's input simulation, you can experience hand-tracking interactions in Unity editor.

HandInteractionExamples scene is included in the MRTK's Examples package. You can download and import Mixed Reality Toolkit Examples package through Mixed Reality Feature Tool

Example Package 1

In Unity, use the menu Window > Package Manager > In Project > Custom and select Mixed Reality Toolkit Examples. Click Import into Project button next to Demos - HandTracking. You will be able to find HandInteractionExamples scene under Assets > Samples folder.

Example Package 2

Example Package 3

Example Package 4

  • If you don't use Mixed Reality Feature Tool, you can directly download and import Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Unity.Examples.unitypackage from MRTK GitHub's release page


This example scene uses TextMesh Pro. To open the scene, click 'Import TMP Essentials' when the respective prompt is shown during the import of the scene. Unity will then import TextMesh Pro packages.

Example TMP2

You can experience these components in HandInteractionExamples scene