Bringing it together

Timing, easing, directionality, and gravity work together to form the foundation of Fluent motion. Each has to be considered in the context of the others, and applied appropriately in the context of your app.

Here are 3 ways to apply Fluent motion fundamentals in your app.

Implicit animation Automatic tween and timing between values in a parameter change to achieve very simple Fluent motion using the standardized values.

Built-in animation System components, such as common controls and shared motion, are "Fluent by default". Fundamentals have been applied in a manner consistent with their implied usage.

Custom animation following guidance recommendations There may be times when the system does not yet provide an exact motion solution for your scenario. In those cases, use the baseline fundamental recommendations as a starting point for your experiences.

Transition example

functional animation

Direction Forward Out:
Fade out: 150m; Easing: Default Accelerate Direction Forward In:
Slide up 150px: 300ms; Easing: Default Decelerate

Direction Backward Out:
Slide down 150px: 150ms; Easing: Default Accelerate Direction Backward In:
Fade in: 300ms; Easing: Default Decelerate

Object example

300ms motion

Direction Expand:
Grow: 300ms; Easing: Standard

Direction Contract:
Grow: 150ms; Easing: Default Accelerate


WinUI Gallery

If you have the WinUI 2 Gallery app installed, click here to open the app and see Implicit Transitions in action.

Implicit Animations

Implicit animations require Windows 10, version 1809 (SDK 17763) or later.

Implicit animations are a simple way to achieve Fluent motion by automatically interpolating between the old and new values during a parameter change.

You can implicitly animate changes to the following properties:

Each property that can have changes implicitly animated has a corresponding transition property. To animate the property, you assign a transition type to the corresponding transition property. This table shows the transition properties and the transition type to use for each one.

Animated property Transition property Implicit transition type
UIElement.Opacity OpacityTransition ScalarTransition
UIElement.Rotation RotationTransition ScalarTransition
UIElement.Scale ScaleTransition Vector3Transition
UIElement.Translation TranslationTransition Vector3Transition
Border.Background BackgroundTransition BrushTransition
ContentPresenter.Background BackgroundTransition BrushTransition
Panel.Background BackgroundTransition BrushTransition

This example shows how to use the Opacity property and transition to make a button fade in when the control is enabled and fade out when it's disabled.

<Button x:Name="SubmitButton"
        Opacity="{x:Bind OpaqueIfEnabled(SubmitButton.IsEnabled), Mode=OneWay}">
        <ScalarTransition />
public double OpaqueIfEnabled(bool IsEnabled)
    return IsEnabled ? 1.0 : 0.2;