ICertSrvSetup::SetParentCAInformation method (casetup.h)

The SetParentCAInformation method sets the parent certification authority (CA) information for a subordinate CA configuration. This facilitates retrieval and installation of the subordinate certificate directly from the parent CA. The parent CA must be a Microsoft CA.


HRESULT SetParentCAInformation(
  [in] const BSTR bstrCAConfiguration


[in] bstrCAConfiguration

A string that contains a valid configuration for the parent CA. The string must be in the form ComputerName or ComputerName\CAName, where ComputerName is the network name of the parent CA host computer, and CAName is the common name of the parent CA.

Return value



The SetParentCAInformation method pings the parent CA computer to verify that it is available on the network.

Upon success, SetParentCAInformation sets the ENUM_SETUPPROP_PARENTCAMACHINE and ENUM_SETUPPROP_PARENTCANAME properties for the subordinate CA configuration. For more information about setup properties, see CASetupProperty.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header casetup.h
DLL Certocm.dll

See also
