D3D10_RASTERIZER_DESC structure (d3d10.h)

Describes the rasterizer state.


typedef struct D3D10_RASTERIZER_DESC {
  D3D10_FILL_MODE FillMode;
  D3D10_CULL_MODE CullMode;
  BOOL            FrontCounterClockwise;
  INT             DepthBias;
  FLOAT           DepthBiasClamp;
  FLOAT           SlopeScaledDepthBias;
  BOOL            DepthClipEnable;
  BOOL            ScissorEnable;
  BOOL            MultisampleEnable;
  BOOL            AntialiasedLineEnable;




A member of the D3D10_FILL_MODE enumerated type that determines the fill mode to use when rendering. The default value is D3D10_FILL_SOLID.



A member of the D3D10_CULL_MODE enumerated type that indicates whether triangles facing the specified direction are drawn. The default value is D3D10_CULL_BACK.


Type: BOOL

Determines if a triangle is front-facing or back-facing. If this parameter is TRUE, then a triangle is considered front-facing if its vertices are counter-clockwise on the render target, and considered back-facing if they are clockwise. If this parameter is FALSE, then the opposite is true. The default value is FALSE.


Type: INT

Specifies the depth value added to a given pixel. The default value is 0. For info about depth bias, see Depth Bias.



Specifies the maximum depth bias of a pixel. The default value is 0.0f. For info about depth bias, see Depth Bias.



Specifies a scalar on a given pixel's slope. The default value is 0.0f. For info about depth bias, see Depth Bias.


Type: BOOL

Enables or disables clipping based on distance. The default value is TRUE.

The hardware always performs x and y clipping of rasterized coordinates. When DepthClipEnable is set to the default value, the hardware also clips the z value (that is, the hardware performs the last step of the following algorithm).

0 < w
-w <= x <= w (or arbitrarily wider range if implementation uses a guard band to reduce clipping burden)
-w <= y <= w (or arbitrarily wider range if implementation uses a guard band to reduce clipping burden)
0 <= z <= w

When you set DepthClipEnable to FALSE, the hardware skips the z clipping (that is, the last step in the preceding algorithm). However, the hardware still performs the "0 < w" clipping. When z clipping is disabled, improper depth ordering at the pixel level might result. However, when z clipping is disabled, stencil shadow implementations are simplified. In other words, you can avoid complex special-case handling for geometry that goes beyond the back clipping plane.


Type: BOOL

Enable or disables scissor-rectangle culling. All pixels outside an active scissor rectangle are culled. The default value is FALSE. For more information, see Set the Scissor Rectangle.


Type: BOOL

Specifies whether to use the quadrilateral or alpha line anti-aliasing algorithm on multisample antialiasing (MSAA) render targets. The default value is FALSE. Set to TRUE to use the quadrilateral line anti-aliasing algorithm and to FALSE to use the alpha line anti-aliasing algorithm. For more info about this member, see Remarks.


Type: BOOL

Specifies whether to enable line antialiasing; only applies when alpha blending is enabled, you are drawing lines, and the MultisampleEnable member is FALSE. The default value is FALSE. For more info about this member, see Remarks.


Rasterizer state defines the behavior of the rasterizer stage. To create a rasterizer-state object, call ID3D10Device::CreateRasterizerState. To set rasterizer state, call ID3D10Device::RSSetState.

Note  For feature levels 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, and 10.0, if you set MultisampleEnable to FALSE, the runtime renders all points, lines, and triangles without anti-aliasing even for render targets with a sample count greater than 1. For feature level 10.1, the setting of MultisampleEnable has no effect on points and triangles with regard to MSAA and impacts only the selection of the line-rendering algorithm as shown in this table:
Line-rendering algorithm MultisampleEnable AntialiasedLineEnable
Alpha antialiased FALSE TRUE
Quadrilateral TRUE FALSE
Quadrilateral TRUE TRUE

The settings of the MultisampleEnable and AntialiasedLineEnable members apply only to multisample antialiasing (MSAA) render targets (that is, render targets with sample counts greater than 1). Because of the differences in feature-level behavior and as long as you aren’t performing any line drawing or don’t mind that lines render as quadrilaterals, we recommend that you always set MultisampleEnable to TRUE whenever you render on MSAA render targets.


Requirement Value
Header d3d10.h

See also

Core Structures