ID3D10SwitchToRef::SetUseRef method (d3d10sdklayers.h)

Switch between a hardware and a software device.


BOOL SetUseRef(
  [in] BOOL UseRef


[in] UseRef

Type: BOOL

A boolean value. Set this to TRUE to change to a software device, set this to FALSE to change to a hardware device.

Return value

Type: BOOL

The previous value of UseRef.


This API will fail if the device is not switchable; you must have created a device that is switchable by specifying the D3D10_CREATE_DEVICE_SWITCH_TO_REF flag during device creation (when calling D3D10CreateDevice).

Switching from a software device to a hardware device clears all cached objects from system memory. Switching from a hardware device to a software device causes resources to be downloaded to system memory.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header d3d10sdklayers.h

See also


ID3D10SwitchToRef Interface