ID3D11ShaderReflection::GetConstantBufferByIndex method (d3d11shader.h)

Get a constant buffer by index.


ID3D11ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer * GetConstantBufferByIndex(
  [in] UINT Index


[in] Index

Type: UINT

Zero-based index.

Return value

Type: ID3D11ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer*

A pointer to a constant buffer (see ID3D11ShaderReflectionConstantBuffer Interface).


A constant buffer supplies either scalar constants or texture constants to a shader. A shader can use one or more constant buffers. For best performance, separate constants into buffers based on the frequency they are updated.

This method's interface is hosted in the out-of-box DLL D3DCompiler_xx.dll.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header d3d11shader.h
Library D3DCompiler.lib
DLL D3DCompiler_47.dll

See also

ID3D11ShaderReflection Interface