XMVectorSinCosEst function (directxmath.h)

Estimates the sine and cosine of each component of an XMVECTOR.


void XM_CALLCONV XMVectorSinCosEst(
  [out] XMVECTOR  *pSin,
  [out] XMVECTOR  *pCos,
) noexcept;


[out] pSin

Address of a vector, each of whose components is an estimate of the sine of the corresponding component of V.

[out] pCos

Address of a vector, each of whose components is an estimate of the cosine of the corresponding component of V.

[in] V

Vector for which to compute the sine and cosine.

Return value



Est functions offer increased performance at the expense of reduced accuracy. Est functions are appropriate for non-critical calculations where accuracy can be sacrificed for speed. The exact amount of lost accuracy and speed increase are platform dependent.

This function uses a 7-degree minimax approximation for sine, 6-degree for cosine.

Platform Requirements

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 or Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 with the Windows SDK for Windows 8. Supported for Win32 desktop apps, Windows Store apps, and Windows Phone 8 apps.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header directxmath.h (include DirectXMath.h)

See also

Transcendental Vector Functions
