ILocation::GetReportStatus method (locationapi.h)

[The Win32 Location API is available for use in the operating systems specified in the Requirements section. It may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions. Instead, use the Windows.Devices.Geolocation API. ]

Retrieves the status for the specified report type.


HRESULT GetReportStatus(
  [in]  REFIID                 reportType,


[in] reportType

REFIID that specifies the report type for which to get the interval.

[out] pStatus

Address of a LOCATION_REPORT_STATUS that receives the current status for the specified report.

Return value

The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Return code Description
The method succeeded.
reportType is other than IID_ILatLongReport or IID_ICivicAddressReport.
pStatus is NULL.


This method retrieves report status for new reports. The most recent reports remain available through ILocation::GetReport, regardless of the status reported by this method.

Known Issues

When an application first starts, or when a new location sensor is enabled, GetReportStatus may report a status of REPORT_RUNNING shortly before the location report is available.

Therefore, an initial call to GetReport will return an error (ERROR_NO_DATA) or a value that is not from the expected location sensor, even if GetReportStatus indicates a status of REPORT_RUNNING. This can happen in the following cases:

  1. The application polls for status by using GetReportStatus until a report status of REPORT_RUNNING is returned, and then calls GetReport.
  2. GetReportStatus is called when the application starts. This may occur after creation of the location object, or after calling RequestPermissions.

An application can mitigate the issue by implementing the following workaround. The workaround involves subscribing to location report events.

Workaround: Subscribing to Events

The application can subscribe to report events and wait for the report from the OnLocationChanged event or the OnStatusChanged event. The application should wait for a specified finite amount of time.

The following example shows an application that waits for a location report of type ILatLongReport. If a report is successfully retrieved within the specified amount of time, it prints out a message indicating that data was received.

The following example code demonstrates how an application may call a function named WaitForLocationReport that registers for events and waits for the first location report. WaitForLocationReport waits for an event that is set by a callback object. The function WaitForLocationReport and the callback object is defined in the examples that follow this one.

// main.cpp
// An application that demonstrates how to wait for a location report.
// This sample waits for latitude/longitude reports but can be modified
// to wait for civic address reports by replacing IID_ILatLongReport 
// with IID_ICivicAddressReport in the following code.

#include "WaitForLocationReport.h"

#define DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_LOCATION_REPORT 500 // Wait for half a second.

int wmain()
    // to specify the multi-threaded concurrency model.
    HRESULT hr = ::CoInitializeEx(NULL,
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        int args;
        PWSTR *pszArgList = ::CommandLineToArgvW(::GetCommandLineW(), &args);

        DWORD const dwTimeToWait = 
            (2 == args) ? static_cast<DWORD>(_wtoi(pszArgList[1])) : DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_LOCATION_REPORT;


        wprintf_s(L"Wait time set to %lu\n", dwTimeToWait);

        ILocation *pLocation; // This is the main Location interface.
        hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Location, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_PPV_ARGS(&pLocation));
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            // Array of report types to listen for.
            // Replace IID_ILatLongReport with IID_ICivicAddressReport
            // for civic address reports.
            IID REPORT_TYPES[] = { IID_ILatLongReport }; 

            // Request permissions for this user account to receive location data for all the
            // types defined in REPORT_TYPES (which is currently just one report)
            // TRUE means a synchronous request.
            if (FAILED(pLocation->RequestPermissions(NULL, REPORT_TYPES, ARRAYSIZE(REPORT_TYPES), TRUE))) 
                wprintf_s(L"Warning: Unable to request permissions.\n");

            ILocationReport *pLocationReport; // This is our location report object
            // Replace IID_ILatLongReport with IID_ICivicAddressReport for civic address reports
            hr = ::WaitForLocationReport(pLocation, IID_ILatLongReport, dwTimeToWait, &pLocationReport);
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                wprintf_s(L"Successfully received data via GetReport().\n");
            else if (RPC_S_CALLPENDING == hr)
                wprintf_s(L"No LatLong data received.  Wait time of %lu elapsed.\n", dwTimeToWait);


    return 0;

The following example code is separated into WaitForLocationReport.h and WaitForLocationReport.cpp. WaitForLocationReport.h contains the header for the WaitForLocationReport function. WaitForLocationReport.cpp contains the definition of the WaitForLocationReport function and the definition of the callback object that it uses. The callback object provides implementations of the OnLocationChanged and OnStatusChanged callback methods. Within these methods, it sets an event that signals when a report is available.

// WaitForLocationReport.h
// Header for the declaration of the WaitForLocationReport function.

#pragma once

#include <windows.h>
#include <LocationApi.h>
#include <wchar.h>

HRESULT WaitForLocationReport(
    ILocation* pLocation,              // Location object.
    REFIID reportType,                 // Type of report.
    DWORD dwTimeToWait,                // Milliseconds to wait.
    ILocationReport** ppLocationReport // Receives the location report.

// WaitForLocationReport.cpp
// Contains definitions of the WaitForLocationReport function and
// the callback object that it uses.

#include "WaitForLocationReport.h"
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <new>

// Implementation of the callback interface that receives location reports.
class CLocationCallback : public ILocationEvents
    CLocationCallback() : _cRef(1), _hDataEvent(::CreateEvent(
        NULL,  // Default security attributes.
        FALSE, // Auto-reset event.
        FALSE, // Initial state is nonsignaled.
        NULL)) // No event name.

    virtual ~CLocationCallback()
        if (_hDataEvent)

    IFACEMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv)
        if ((riid == IID_IUnknown) || 
            (riid == IID_ILocationEvents))
            *ppv = static_cast<ILocationEvents*>(this);
            *ppv = NULL;
            return E_NOINTERFACE;
        return S_OK;

        return InterlockedIncrement(&_cRef);

        long cRef = InterlockedDecrement(&_cRef);
        if (!cRef)
            delete this;
        return cRef;

    // ILocationEvents

    // This is called when there is a new location report.
    IFACEMETHODIMP OnLocationChanged(REFIID /*reportType*/, ILocationReport* /*pLocationReport*/)
        return S_OK;

    // This is called when the status of a report type changes.
    // The LOCATION_REPORT_STATUS enumeration is defined in LocApi.h in the SDK
    IFACEMETHODIMP OnStatusChanged(REFIID /*reportType*/, LOCATION_REPORT_STATUS status)
        if (REPORT_RUNNING == status)
        return S_OK;

    HANDLE GetEventHandle()
        return _hDataEvent;

    long _cRef;
    HANDLE _hDataEvent;    // Data Event Handle

// Waits to receive a location report. 
// This function waits for the callback object to signal when
// a report event or status event occurs, and then calls GetReport.
// Even if no report event or status event is received before the timeout,
// this function still queries for the last known report by calling GetReport.
// The last known report may be cached data from a location sensor that is not
// reporting events, or data from the default location provider.
// Returns S_OK if the location report has been returned
// or RPC_S_CALLPENDING if the timeout expired.
HRESULT WaitForLocationReport(
    ILocation* pLocation,               // Location object.
    REFIID reportType,                 // Type of report to wait for.
    DWORD dwTimeToWait,                // Milliseconds to wait.
    ILocationReport **ppLocationReport // Receives the location report.
    *ppLocationReport = NULL;

    CLocationCallback *pLocationCallback = new(std::nothrow) CLocationCallback();
    HRESULT hr = pLocationCallback ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY;
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        HANDLE hEvent = pLocationCallback->GetEventHandle();
        hr = hEvent ? S_OK : E_FAIL;
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            // Tell the Location API that we want to register for a report. 
            hr = pLocation->RegisterForReport(pLocationCallback, reportType, 0);
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                DWORD dwIndex;
                HRESULT hrWait = CoWaitForMultipleHandles(0, dwTimeToWait, 1, &hEvent, &dwIndex);
                if ((S_OK == hrWait) || (RPC_S_CALLPENDING == hrWait))
                    // Even if there is a timeout indicated by RPC_S_CALLPENDING
                    // attempt to query the report to return the last known report.
                    hr = pLocation->GetReport(reportType, ppLocationReport);
                    if (FAILED(hr) && (RPC_S_CALLPENDING == hrWait))
                        // Override hr error if the request timed out and
                        // no data is available from the last known report.  
                        hr = hrWait;    // RPC_S_CALLPENDING
                // Unregister from reports from the Location API.
    return hr;


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps only],Windows 7
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header locationapi.h
DLL LocationAPI.dll

See also
