ISyncMgrSynchronizeCallback::ShowErrorCompleted method (mobsync.h)

Called by the registered application's handler before or after its PrepareForSync operation has been completed.


HRESULT ShowErrorCompleted(
  [in] HRESULT    hr,
  [in] ULONG      cItems,
  [in] const GUID *pItemIDs


[in] hr


Whether ShowError was successful. This value is S_SYNCMGR_RETRYSYNC if the registered application's handler requires SyncMgr to retry the synchronization. When this value is returned to SyncMgr both the PrepareForSync and Synchronize methods are called again.

[in] cItems


The number of items in the array pointed to by the pItemIDs parameter. This parameter is ignored unless hrResult is S_SYNCMGR_RETRYSYNC.

[in] pItemIDs

Type: const GUID*

A pointer to the array of item IDs to pass to PrepareForSync in the event of a retry. This parameter is ignored unless hrResult is S_SYNCMGR_RETRYSYNC.

Return value


This method can return one of these values.

Return code Description
The operation completed successfully.


The pItemIDs parameter is an [in] parameter and the calling function owns the memory pointed to by it. SyncMgr makes a copy of the array before returning.

The registered application's handler should return from the ShowError method as soon as possible and then call this method to notify SyncMgr that it has completed processing the ShowError call.

It is acceptable for the registered application's handler to call this method before returning from the ShowError method.

The registered application's handler should not call this method unless a success code is returned from the ShowError method.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header mobsync.h
DLL Mobsync.dll

See also

