InteractionMode enumeration (peninputpanel.h)

Specifies the interaction modes that can be chosen by the user for the Tablet PC Input Panel.


typedef enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_peninputpanel_0000_0000_0001 {
  InteractionMode_InPlace = 0,
  InteractionMode_Floating = 1,
  InteractionMode_DockedTop = 2,
  InteractionMode_DockedBottom = 3
} InteractionMode;


Value: 0
The Input Panel appears next to the text insertion point that currently has focus.
Value: 1
The Input Panel is not tied to an insertion point. The Floating Input Panel is opened by tapping on the Input Panel tab which appears by default on the left edge of the screen. The positioning and control of the Input Panel is left entirely to the user.
Value: 2
The Input Panel appears at the top of the screen and the active desktop is resized so that the Input Panel does not overlap with any other windows or UI elements.
Value: 3
The Input Panel appears at the bottom of the screen and the active desktop is resized so that the Input Panel does not overlap with any other windows or UI elements.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Header peninputpanel.h