IStylusPlugin::RealTimeStylusEnabled method (rtscom.h)

Notifies the implementing plug-in that the RealTimeStylus Class (RTS) object is enabled.


HRESULT RealTimeStylusEnabled(
  [in] IRealTimeStylus         *piRtsSrc,
  [in] ULONG                   cTcidCount,
  [in] const TABLET_CONTEXT_ID *pTcids


[in] piRtsSrc

The RealTimeStylus Class object that sent the notification.

[in] cTcidCount

Number of tablet context identifiers the RTS has encountered. Valid values are 0 through 8, inclusive.

[in] pTcids

The tablet context identifiers.

Return value

For a description of return values, see RealTimeStylus Classes and Interfaces.


This method is called when the RealTimeStylus Class object has been enabled, or when a plug-in is added to a collection.


The following C++ example implements a IStylusPlugin::RealTimeStylusEnabled Method method that creates a new instance of an IStrokeBuilder object for the purpose of creating Ink strokes from packets collected by a RealTimeStylus object.

STDMETHODIMP CStrokeBuilderPlugin::RealTimeStylusEnabled( 
            /* [in] */ IRealTimeStylus *piRtsSrc,
            /* [in] */ ULONG cTcidCount,
            /* [size_is][in] */ const TABLET_CONTEXT_ID *pTcids)
	// Create an IStrokeBuilder object
	return CoCreateInstance(CLSID_StrokeBuilder, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IStrokeBuilder, (VOID **)&m_pStrokeBuilder);


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header rtscom.h
DLL RTSCom.dll

See also

IStylusPlugin Interface

IStylusPlugin::RealTimeStylusDisabled Method