PIBIO_SENSOR_QUERY_CALIBRATION_FORMATS_FN callback function (winbio_adapter.h)

Called by the Windows Biometric Framework to determine the set of calibration formats supported by the Sensor Adapter.



HRESULT PibioSensorQueryCalibrationFormatsFn(
  [in, out] PWINBIO_PIPELINE Pipeline,
  [out]     PWINBIO_UUID FormatArray,
  [in]      SIZE_T FormatArraySize,
  [out]     PSIZE_T FormatCount


[in, out] Pipeline

Pointer to the WINBIO_PIPELINE structure associated with the biometric unit performing the operation.

[out] FormatArray

Address of an array of empty WINBIO_UUID items. The SensorAdapterQueryCalibrationFormats method is expected to fill this array with one or more UUIDs identifying the calibration data formats known to the Sensor Adapter.

[in] FormatArraySize

A value indicating the number of slots available in FormatArray. The SensorAdapterQueryCalibrationFormats method must not attempt to write more than this number of elements into FormatArray, or the results will be unpredictable.

[out] FormatCount

Pointer to a variable that receives the number UUIDs returned in FormatArray. The SensorAdapterQueryCalibrationFormats method must set this value before returning.

Return value

If the function succeeds, it returns S_OK. If the function fails, it must return one of the following HRESULT values to indicate the error.

Return code Description
– The Sensor Adapter doesn’t support dynamic calibration.
Any other error code will cause the Windows Biometric Framework to log the error and abort the configuration of the biometric unit.


This method is called once during the initial configuration of a biometric unit.

Each calibration format supported by the Sensor Adapter is identified by a separate UUID value.

This method executes in the context of an arbitrary RPC server thread.

If the Sensor Adapter doesn’t support dynamic calibration, it should return a value of E_NOTIMPL. The Windows Biometric Framework will not treat this as an error unless the Engine Adapter requires dynamic calibration. (For details, see the description of the EngineAdapterSelectCalibrationFormat method.)

If this method returns a value of S_OK, FormatArray and FormatCount must be set. It is an error for this method to return S_OK along with a zero value for FormatCount. Doing so will cause the Windows Biometric Framework to log a WINBIO_E_INVALID_CALIBRATION_FORMAT_ARRAY error message and abort the configuration of the biometric unit.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2016 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header winbio_adapter.h (include Winbio_adapter.h)