WLX_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_INFO_V2_0 structure (winwlx.h)

The WLX_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_INFO_V2_0 structure contains the client credentials returned by a call to WlxQueryTsLogonCredentials.

The GINA DLL is responsible for calling LocalFree to free the resources used by this structure when the structure is no longer needed.


typedef struct _WLX_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_INFO_2_0 {
  DWORD dwType;
  PWSTR pszUserName;
  PWSTR pszDomain;
  PWSTR pszPassword;
  BOOL  fPromptForPassword;
  BOOL  fDisconnectOnLogonFailure;



Specifies the type of credentials structure allocated by the GINA DLL. Credential types are defined with the prefix WLX_CREDENTIAL_TYPE_xxx.


A pointer to the name of the account logged onto.


A pointer to the name of the domain used to log on.


A pointer to the plaintext password of the user account. When you have finished using pszPassword, clear the sensitive information from memory by calling the SecureZeroMemory function.

For more information about protecting passwords, see Handling Passwords.


Forces a prompt for the password due to an administration override. This allows the distinction of auto logon with no password.


Determines whether GINA allows the user to supply different credentials if the logon fails. If fDisconnectOnLogonFailure is TRUE and the logon fails, WlxLoggedOutSAS should return WLX_SAS_ACTION_LOGOFF. This will cause Winlogon to terminate the session. If fDisconnectOnLogonFailure is FALSE and the logon fails, GINA can allow the user to submit different credentials.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Header winwlx.h

See also
