IXAudio2::CommitChanges method (xaudio2.h)

Atomically applies a set of operations that are tagged with a given identifier.


HRESULT CommitChanges(
  [in] UINT32 OperationSet


[in] OperationSet

Identifier of the set of operations to be applied. To commit all pending operations, pass XAUDIO2_COMMIT_ALL.

Return value

Returns S_OK if successful; returns an error code otherwise. See XAudio2 Error Codes for descriptions of XAudio2 specific error codes.


CommitChanges does nothing if no operations are tagged with the given identifier.

See the XAudio2 Operation Sets overview about working with CommitChanges and XAudio2 interface methods that may be deferred.

Platform Requirements

Windows 10 (XAudio2.9); Windows 8, Windows Phone 8 (XAudio 2.8); DirectX SDK (XAudio 2.7)


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header xaudio2.h

See also
