BoundingSphere.Contains methods

Tests whether the BoundingSphere contains a specified object.

Overload list

Method Description
BoundingSphere::Contains (XMVECTOR) Tests whether the BoundingSphere contains a specified point.
BoundingSphere::Contains (const BoundingBox&) Tests whether the BoundingSphere contains a specified BoundingBox.
BoundingSphere::Contains (const BoundingSphere&) Tests whether the BoundingSphere contains a specified BoundingSphere.
BoundingSphere::Contains (const BoundingFrustum&) Tests whether the BoundingSphere contains the specified BoundingFrustum.
BoundingSphere::Contains (XMVECTOR,XMVECTOR,XMVECTOR) Tests whether the BoundingSphere contains a specified triangle.
BoundingSphere::Contains (const BoundingOrientedBox&) Tests whether the BoundingSphere contains the specified BoundingOrientedBox.

See also


