Transferring Data Between the Supplicant and EAP Methods

Using EAP attributes allows data to be exchanged between supplicants and EAP methods.

Attribute Consumption

EapHostPeerBeginSession consumes EAP attributes that are passed directly to the configured EAP method. Similarly, EAP methods are free to return an action code that indicates to the supplicant that attributes are available and that it should collect the attributes using EapHostPeerGetResponseAttributes.

For more information, see the following topics.

Supplicants are expected to ignore attributes that they do not recognize or cannot act upon. Using EapHostPeerSetResponseAttributes these ignored attributes are sent back to EAPHost and the EAP method.

Vendor Specific Attributes

By using the vendor-specific EAP attribute, EAP methods and supplicants can engage in data exchange for a specific purpose. Vendor-specific attributes are ignored by supplicants and methods that do not support the vendor-specific attribute.

For more information, see the following topics.

Configuring the EAP Method User Interface

Enabling Group Policy

Implementing In-Band NAP Support for EAP Methods

Implementing NAP Support for EAP Methods

EAPHost Supplicants