Registering the Interface

Registering the interface that a server program supports enables remote procedure calls from client programs to be dispatched to the proper server routine. Server programs call RpcServerRegisterIf to register their interfaces. The following code fragment demonstrates its use:

RPC_STATUS status;
status = RpcServerRegisterIf(MyInterface_v1_0_s_ifspec, NULL, NULL);

The first parameter to the RpcServerRegisterIf function is a structure the MIDL compiler generates from the IDL file that defines the interface (or interfaces) for the server. The second and third parameters are a UUID and an entry-point vector, respectively. They are set to NULL in this example. In many instances, your server program will set these parameter values to NULL. Server programs use the second and third parameters when they provide multiple implementations of the same procedures in an interface. For more information, see Entry-Point Vectors.

Server programs can also use RpcServerRegisterIfEx to register an interface. One advantage of using this function is that it provides your application with the ability to set a security-callback function. Using security-callback functions is the recommended approach to securing an interface.


MIDL produces two very similar structures, one for the client and one for the server. The structure passed to the RpcServerRegisterIf function is the server version of the MIDL-produced structure.