IPropertyValueUIService Interfaz


Proporciona una interfaz para administrar las imágenes, información sobre herramientas y controladores de eventos de las propiedades de un componente que se muestra en un explorador de propiedades.

public interface class IPropertyValueUIService
public interface IPropertyValueUIService
type IPropertyValueUIService = interface
Public Interface IPropertyValueUIService


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se crea un componente que obtiene una instancia de la IPropertyValueUIService interfaz y agrega un PropertyValueUIHandler elemento al servicio. El controlador proporciona un PropertyValueUIItem objeto para cualquier propiedad del componente denominado HorizontalMargin o VerticalMargin. Para PropertyValueUIItem estas propiedades proporciona una imagen, una información sobre herramientas y un controlador de eventos que muestra un cuadro de mensaje cuando se hace clic en la imagen de la propiedad. La imagen y la información sobre herramientas se muestran en un PropertyGrid cuando la cuadrícula muestra estas propiedades del componente.

#using <System.Windows.Forms.dll>
#using <System.Drawing.dll>
#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::ComponentModel::Design;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Drawing::Design;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization;
using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization::Formatters::Binary;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms::Design;

namespace PropertyValueUIServiceExample

   // This component obtains the IPropertyValueUIService and adds a
   // PropertyValueUIHandler that provides PropertyValueUIItem objects
   // which provide an image, ToolTip, and invoke event handler to
   // any properties named horizontalMargin and verticalMargin,
   // such as the example integer properties on this component.
   public ref class PropertyUIComponent: public System::ComponentModel::Component

      property int horizontalMargin 
         // Example property for which to provide a PropertyValueUIItem.
         int get()
            return hMargin;

         void set( int value )
            hMargin = value;


      property int verticalMargin 
         // Example property for which to provide a PropertyValueUIItem.
         int get()
            return vMargin;

         void set( int value )
            vMargin = value;



      // Field storing the value of the horizontalMargin property.
      int hMargin;

      // Field storing the value of the verticalMargin property.
      int vMargin;

      // Base64-encoded serialized image data for image icon.
      String^ imageBlob1;


      // Constructor.
      PropertyUIComponent( System::ComponentModel::IContainer^ container )
         imageBlob1 = "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";
         if ( container != nullptr )
                  container->Add( this );

         hMargin = 0;
         vMargin = 0;

      // Default component constructor that specifies no container.
         imageBlob1 = "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";
         hMargin = 0;
         vMargin = 0;


      // PropertyValueUIHandler delegate that provides PropertyValueUIItem
      // objects to any properties named horizontalMargin or verticalMargin.
      void marginPropertyValueUIHandler( System::ComponentModel::ITypeDescriptorContext^ /*context*/, System::ComponentModel::PropertyDescriptor^ propDesc, ArrayList^ itemList )
         // A PropertyValueUIHandler added to the IPropertyValueUIService
         // is queried once for each property of a component and passed
         // a PropertyDescriptor that represents the characteristics of
         // the property when the Properties window is set to a new
         // component. A PropertyValueUIHandler can determine whether
         // to add a PropertyValueUIItem for the object to its ValueUIItem
         // list depending on the values of the PropertyDescriptor.
         if ( propDesc->DisplayName->Equals( "horizontalMargin" ) )
            Image^ img = DeserializeFromBase64Text( imageBlob1 );
            itemList->Add( gcnew PropertyValueUIItem( img,gcnew PropertyValueUIItemInvokeHandler( this, &PropertyUIComponent::marginInvoke ),"Test ToolTip" ) );

         if ( propDesc->DisplayName->Equals( "verticalMargin" ) )
            Image^ img = DeserializeFromBase64Text( imageBlob1 );
            img->RotateFlip( RotateFlipType::Rotate90FlipNone );
            itemList->Add( gcnew PropertyValueUIItem( img,gcnew PropertyValueUIItemInvokeHandler( this, &PropertyUIComponent::marginInvoke ),"Test ToolTip" ) );

      // Invoke handler associated with the PropertyValueUIItem objects
      // provided by the marginPropertyValueUIHandler.
      void marginInvoke( System::ComponentModel::ITypeDescriptorContext^ /*context*/, System::ComponentModel::PropertyDescriptor^ /*propDesc*/, PropertyValueUIItem^ /*item*/ )
         MessageBox::Show( "Test invoke message box" );


      property System::ComponentModel::ISite^ Site 
         // Component::Site  to add the marginPropertyValueUIHandler
         // when the component is sited, and to remove it when the site is
         // set to 0.
         virtual System::ComponentModel::ISite^ get() override
            return __super::Site;

         virtual void set( System::ComponentModel::ISite^ value ) override
            if ( value != nullptr )
               __super::Site = value;
               IPropertyValueUIService^ uiService = dynamic_cast<IPropertyValueUIService^>(this->GetService( IPropertyValueUIService::typeid ));
               if ( uiService != nullptr )
                              uiService->AddPropertyValueUIHandler( gcnew PropertyValueUIHandler( this, &PropertyUIComponent::marginPropertyValueUIHandler ) );
               IPropertyValueUIService^ uiService = dynamic_cast<IPropertyValueUIService^>(this->GetService( IPropertyValueUIService::typeid ));
               if ( uiService != nullptr )
                              uiService->RemovePropertyValueUIHandler( gcnew PropertyValueUIHandler( this, &PropertyUIComponent::marginPropertyValueUIHandler ) );
               __super::Site = value;


      // This method can be used to retrieve an Image from a block
      // of Base64-encoded text.
      Image^ DeserializeFromBase64Text( String^ text )
         Image^ img = nullptr;
         array<Byte>^memBytes = Convert::FromBase64String( text );
         IFormatter^ formatter = gcnew BinaryFormatter;
         MemoryStream^ stream = gcnew MemoryStream( memBytes );
         img = dynamic_cast<Image^>(formatter->Deserialize( stream ));
         return img;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Design;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design;

namespace PropertyValueUIServiceExample
    // This component obtains the IPropertyValueUIService and adds a
    // PropertyValueUIHandler that provides PropertyValueUIItem objects
    // which provide an image, ToolTip, and invoke event handler to
    // any properties named HorizontalMargin and VerticalMargin, 
    // such as the example integer properties on this component.    
    public class PropertyUIComponent : System.ComponentModel.Component
        // Example property for which to provide a PropertyValueUIItem.
        public int HorizontalMargin 
                return hMargin;
                hMargin = value;
        // Example property for which to provide a PropertyValueUIItem.
        public int VerticalMargin
                return vMargin;
                vMargin = value;

        // Field storing the value of the HorizontalMargin property.
        private int hMargin;

        // Field storing the value of the VerticalMargin property.
        private int vMargin;        

        // Base64-encoded serialized image data for image icon.
        private string imageBlob1 = "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";
        // Constructor.
        public PropertyUIComponent(System.ComponentModel.IContainer container)
            if( container != null )
            hMargin = 0;		
            vMargin = 0;

        // Default component constructor that specifies no container.
        public PropertyUIComponent() : this(null)

        // PropertyValueUIHandler delegate that provides PropertyValueUIItem
        // objects to any properties named HorizontalMargin or VerticalMargin.
        private void marginPropertyValueUIHandler(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor propDesc, ArrayList itemList)
            // A PropertyValueUIHandler added to the IPropertyValueUIService
            // is queried once for each property of a component and passed
            // a PropertyDescriptor that represents the characteristics of 
            // the property when the Properties window is set to a new 
            // component. A PropertyValueUIHandler can determine whether 
            // to add a PropertyValueUIItem for the object to its ValueUIItem 
            // list depending on the values of the PropertyDescriptor.
            if( propDesc.DisplayName.Equals( "HorizontalMargin" ) )
                Image img = DeserializeFromBase64Text(imageBlob1);
                itemList.Add( new PropertyValueUIItem( img, new PropertyValueUIItemInvokeHandler(this.marginInvoke), "Test ToolTip") );
            if( propDesc.DisplayName.Equals( "VerticalMargin" ) )
                Image img = DeserializeFromBase64Text(imageBlob1);
                itemList.Add( new PropertyValueUIItem( img, new PropertyValueUIItemInvokeHandler(this.marginInvoke), "Test ToolTip") );

        // Invoke handler associated with the PropertyValueUIItem objects 
        // provided by the marginPropertyValueUIHandler.
        private void marginInvoke(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor propDesc, PropertyValueUIItem item)
            MessageBox.Show("Test invoke message box");

        // Component.Site override to add the marginPropertyValueUIHandler
        // when the component is sited, and to remove it when the site is 
        // set to null.
        public override System.ComponentModel.ISite Site
                return base.Site;
                if( value != null )
                    base.Site = value;
                    IPropertyValueUIService uiService = (IPropertyValueUIService)this.GetService(typeof(IPropertyValueUIService));
                    if( uiService != null )                    
                        uiService.AddPropertyValueUIHandler( new PropertyValueUIHandler(this.marginPropertyValueUIHandler) );                                        
                    IPropertyValueUIService uiService = (IPropertyValueUIService)this.GetService(typeof(IPropertyValueUIService));
                    if( uiService != null )                    
                        uiService.RemovePropertyValueUIHandler( new PropertyValueUIHandler(this.marginPropertyValueUIHandler) );                                        
                    base.Site = value;

        // This method can be used to retrieve an Image from a block 
        // of Base64-encoded text.
        private Image DeserializeFromBase64Text(string text)
            Image img = null;
            byte[] memBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(text);
            IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(memBytes);
            img = (Image)formatter.Deserialize(stream);
            return img;
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.ComponentModel.Design
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Design
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Windows.Forms.Design

' This component obtains the IPropertyValueUIService and adds a
' PropertyValueUIHandler that provides PropertyValueUIItem objects
' which provide an image, tooltip and invoke event handler to
' any properties named HorizontalMargin and VerticalMargin, 
' such as the example integer properties on this component.    
Public Class PropertyUIComponent
    Inherits System.ComponentModel.Component

    ' Example property for which to provide PropertyValueUIItem.
    Public Property HorizontalMargin() As Integer
            Return hMargin
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
            hMargin = Value
        End Set
    End Property

    ' Example property for which to provide PropertyValueUIItem.       
    Public Property VerticalMargin() As Integer
            Return vMargin
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
            vMargin = Value
        End Set
    End Property

    ' Field storing the value of the HorizontalMargin property
    Private hMargin As Integer

    ' Field storing the value of the VerticalMargin property
    Private vMargin As Integer

    ' Base64-encoded serialized image data for image icon.
    Private imageBlob1 As String = "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"

    ' Constructor.
    Public Sub New(ByVal container As System.ComponentModel.IContainer)
        If (container IsNot Nothing) Then
        End If
        hMargin = 0
        vMargin = 0
    End Sub

    ' Default component constructor that specifies no container.
    Public Sub New()
    End Sub

    ' PropertyValueUIHandler delegate that provides PropertyValueUIItem
    ' objects to any properties named HorizontalMargin or VerticalMargin.
    Private Sub marginPropertyValueUIHandler(ByVal context As System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, ByVal propDesc As System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor, ByVal itemList As ArrayList)
        ' A PropertyValueUIHandler added to the IPropertyValueUIService
        ' is queried once for each property of a component and passed
        ' a PropertyDescriptor that represents the characteristics of 
        ' the property when the Properties window is set to a new 
        ' component. A PropertyValueUIHandler can determine whether 
        ' to add a PropertyValueUIItem for the object to its ValueUIItem 
        ' list depending on the values of the PropertyDescriptor.
        If propDesc.DisplayName.Equals("HorizontalMargin") Then
            Dim img As Image = DeserializeFromBase64Text(imageBlob1)
            itemList.Add(New PropertyValueUIItem(img, New PropertyValueUIItemInvokeHandler(AddressOf Me.marginInvoke), "Test ToolTip"))
        End If
        If propDesc.DisplayName.Equals("VerticalMargin") Then
            Dim img As Image = DeserializeFromBase64Text(imageBlob1)
            itemList.Add(New PropertyValueUIItem(img, New PropertyValueUIItemInvokeHandler(AddressOf Me.marginInvoke), "Test ToolTip"))
        End If
    End Sub

    ' Invoke handler associated with the PropertyValueUIItem objects 
    ' provided by the marginPropertyValueUIHandler.
    Private Sub marginInvoke(ByVal context As System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext, ByVal propDesc As System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor, ByVal item As PropertyValueUIItem)
        MessageBox.Show("Test invoke message box")
    End Sub

    ' Component.Site override to add the marginPropertyValueUIHandler
    ' when the component is sited, and to remove it when the site is 
    ' set to null.
    Public Overrides Property Site() As System.ComponentModel.ISite
            Return MyBase.Site
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As System.ComponentModel.ISite)
            If (Value IsNot Nothing) Then
                MyBase.Site = Value
                Dim uiService As IPropertyValueUIService = CType(Me.GetService(GetType(IPropertyValueUIService)), IPropertyValueUIService)
                If (uiService IsNot Nothing) Then
                    uiService.AddPropertyValueUIHandler(New PropertyValueUIHandler(AddressOf Me.marginPropertyValueUIHandler))
                End If
                Dim uiService As IPropertyValueUIService = CType(Me.GetService(GetType(IPropertyValueUIService)), IPropertyValueUIService)
                If (uiService IsNot Nothing) Then
                    uiService.RemovePropertyValueUIHandler(New PropertyValueUIHandler(AddressOf Me.marginPropertyValueUIHandler))
                End If
                MyBase.Site = Value
            End If
        End Set
    End Property

    ' This method can be used to retrieve an Image from a block 
    ' of Base64-encoded text.
    Private Function DeserializeFromBase64Text(ByVal [text] As String) As Image
        Dim img As Image = Nothing
        Dim memBytes As Byte() = Convert.FromBase64String([text])
        Dim formatter As New BinaryFormatter()
        Dim stream As New MemoryStream(memBytes)
        img = CType(formatter.Deserialize(stream), Image)
        Return img
    End Function

End Class


Un componente puede usar la IPropertyValueUIService interfaz para proporcionar PropertyValueUIItem objetos para cualquier propiedad del componente. Un PropertyValueUIItem asociado a una propiedad puede proporcionar una imagen, una información sobre herramientas y un controlador de eventos para el evento que se genera cuando se hace clic en la imagen asociada a la propiedad .

La IPropertyValueUIService interfaz proporciona métodos para agregar, quitar y recuperar PropertyValueUIHandler delegados a o desde una lista interna. Cuando las propiedades de un componente se muestran en un explorador de propiedades, cada PropertyValueUIHandler una de las listas tiene la oportunidad de proporcionar una PropertyValueUIItem para cada propiedad del componente.

Cuando se establece un explorador de propiedades para mostrar las propiedades de un objeto, llama al GetPropertyUIValueItems método de esta interfaz para cada propiedad del componente, pasando un PropertyDescriptor que representa la propiedad . El GetPropertyUIValueItems método llama a cada uno de los PropertyValueUIHandler que se ha agregado al servicio. Cada PropertyValueUIHandler uno de ellos puede agregar un PropertyValueUIItem al ArrayList parámetro pasado en el valueUIItemList parámetro para proporcionar elementos de interfaz de usuario para la propiedad representada por el PropertyDescriptor pasado en el propDesc parámetro .

PropertyValueUIItem Un objeto puede contener una imagen para mostrar junto al nombre de la propiedad, una cadena de información sobre herramientas y un controlador de eventos para invocar cuando se hace doble clic en una imagen asociada a la propiedad.



Agrega el objeto PropertyValueUIHandler especificado a este servicio.

GetPropertyUIValueItems(ITypeDescriptorContext, PropertyDescriptor)

Obtiene los objetos PropertyValueUIItem que se ajustan al contexto especificado y a las características del descriptor de propiedades.


Notifica a la implementación de IPropertyValueUIService que se ha modificado la lista global de objetos PropertyValueUIItem.


Quita el objeto PropertyValueUIHandler especificado del servicio de interfaz de usuario de valores de propiedades.



Se origina cuando se modifica la lista de objetos PropertyValueUIItem.

Se aplica a

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