Exercise - Create and manage knowledge articles


In this exercise, you learn how to create and manage knowledge articles that can address numerous issues that your customers want to discuss during the Patient Service Center conversation. These knowledge articles appear in the Productivity pane in Patient Service Center through searching and AI-enabled suggestions.

Screenshot of Knowledge article suggestions in the Productivity pane in Patient Service Center.

Task: Assign the Knowledge Manager user role

In this task, you assign the necessary user role to create and view knowledge articles.

  1. If you kept the User Settings page open from the previous exercise, go to the page, and then skip to the step after selecting Manage Roles.

  2. Go to Power Apps. Select the gear icon in the upper-right corner and then select Advanced settings.

    Screenshot of the Power Apps menu with the gear icon selected and the Advanced settings option showing.

  3. In Dynamics 365, select Settings > Security.

    Screenshot of the Settings menu in Dynamics 365, with the Security option selected under Systems.

  4. Under Security, select Users.

    Screenshot of the Security section, showing the Users option highlighted.

  5. Switch the System Views dropdown menu from Omnichannel Users to Enabled Users for the grid view so that your user shows in the list.

    Screenshot of the System Views dropdown menu changed from Omnichannel Users to Enabled Users.

  6. In the Enabled Users list, scroll and find your user. Alternatively, you can use the search option. Select your user and then select Manage Roles on the command bar.

    Screenshot of the top navigation menu with the Manage Roles option selected.

  7. Three roles that you can choose for create/read permissions for knowledge articles are:

    • Knowledge Manager

    • Customer Service Manager

    • Customer Service Representative

    For this exercise, select the Knowledge Manager role.

    Screenshot of the Manage User Roles menu with the Knowledge Manager role selected.

  8. Ensure that you have the System Administrator role.

    Screenshot of the Manage User Roles menu with the System Administrator role selected.

  9. Select OK to close the Manage User Roles window and accept changes.

You now assigned the proper roles to create and read knowledge articles.

Task: Create a knowledge article

In this task, you learn about the knowledge management settings that are available.

  1. In Power Apps, open the Customer Service Hub app and select the play button.

    Screenshot of the Power Apps list with the Customer Service Hub app selected.

  2. On the left navigation pane, select Knowledge Articles. Select + New on the command bar to add a new knowledge article.

    Screenshot of the New button on the command bar selected in the Knowledge Articles section.

  3. In the Article Content section of the New Knowledge Article, specify the following details for a knowledge article on asthma and shortness of breath:

    • Title - Shortness of Breath

    • Keywords - Asthma, shortness of breath, trouble breathing, albuterol, inhaler

    • Description - Uncomfortable sensation or awareness of breathing or needing to breathe.

      Screenshot of the New Knowledge Article with Title, Keywords, and Description fields completed.

  4. Scroll down to the Content section under the Article Content area, copy and paste the following content for your knowledge article.

    Common causes

    Shortness of breath isn't always related to an underlying condition. It might be caused by:

    • Aerobic exercise
    • Intense physical activity
    • High altitude with lower oxygen levels
    • Poor cardiovascular fitness
    • Anxiety
    • Being obese
    • General weakness


    Self-treatment: Self-care steps that might be helpful in some less-serious cases:

    • Stop smoking
    • Avoid exposure to pollutants, allergens, and environmental toxins
    • Lose weight if overweight
    • Avoid exertion at elevations
    • Take slow, even breaths
    • When you breathe out, put your lips together, like slowly blowing out a candle (pursed lip breathing)

    See a doctor if you notice:

    • Chest pain or pressure
    • Inability to function

    See a doctor immediately if you notice:

    • Fever or a change in the amount, color, or thickness of sputum
    • Breathlessness doesn't go away after resting for 30 minutes
    • Swelling in the feet and ankles
    • Trouble breathing when you lie flat
    • High fever, chills, and cough
    • Wheezing
    • Worsening of preexisting shortness of breath
  5. Select Save.

    Screenshot of the Save button on the command bar for the new knowledge article.

  6. The business process flow bar at the top of the form helps you to drive the article toward completion. On the business process bar, select Author. The business step options are displayed in a pop-up window.

    1. Add the Article Subject as Default Subject, which is the subject of the article to help with searches.

    2. Select the Mark for Review checkbox to show as Completed.

    3. Select Next Stage to mark the article as complete and ready for review.

    Screenshot of the Author stage with the Set Keywords, Article Subject, Assign Primary Author, and Mark for Review fields completed.

  7. The knowledge article is now in the Review stage of the business process flow. Select Save & Close.

    Screenshot of the Review stage selected in the business process flow.

    The article is now in draft state and ready for review.

    Screenshot of the knowledge article added to My Active Articles.

You now successfully created a knowledge article titled Shortness of Breath and marked it for review.

Task: Review and publish a knowledge article

Typically, to ensure accuracy of the knowledge article, someone else should review and approve it. However, for this training exercise, you mark the article as reviewed and approved instead. This task also requires the Knowledge Manager role or another role that can approve knowledge articles.

  1. In Customer Service Hub, go to Service > Dashboards and then use the System Dashboards dropdown menu to select My Knowledge Dashboard.

    Screenshot of the My Knowledge Dashboard option selected in System Dashboards.

  2. Select the Shortness of Breath knowledge article in the My Active Articles stream.

    Screenshot of the Shortness of Breath article displayed in the My Active Articles stream in My Knowledge Dashboard.

  3. On the business process bar, in the Review stage and in the Review dropdown menu, select Approved.

    Screenshot of the business process flow with the Review dropdown menu showing the Approved option selected.

  4. Select OK when prompted to Confirm approval of article(s).

    Screenshot of the OK button to confirm approval of the article.

  5. Select Next Stage to move to the Publish stage.

    Screenshot of the Next Stage button highlighted under the Review field in the business process flow.

  6. You should now be in the Publish stage and the Status Reason changes to Approved.

    Screenshot of the Publish stage highlighted and Status Reason in the upper-right corner showing as Approved.

You now successfully reviewed and approved the knowledge article. Next, you learn how to publish the knowledge article to be available during Patient Service Center calls.

Task: Publish your knowledge article

In this task, you learn how to publish the knowledge article so that it's live and ready to be used.

  1. In your Shortness of Breath knowledge article, select the Publish stage.

    1. For Set Product Associated, select Completed.

    2. In the Set Expiration Date field, set the date for one year from now.

    3. Select Finish.

    Screenshot of fields filled in for the Publish stage of the knowledge article.

    After you select Finish, a panel will show to Publish.

  2. Set Expiration State and Expiration Status to Published. Select Publish.

    Screenshot of the business process flow showing the Completed flag after you select Finish.

    Now, the knowledge article is in a Published state.

    Screenshot of the Publish dialog, showing details filled out and the Publish button highlighted.

You now successfully reviewed and published the knowledge article. You can view this knowledge article in Patient Service Center when you’re testing the final escalation.

You can accomplish numerous tasks with knowledge articles, and this module mentions only a small portion of capabilities. For more information about knowledge articles, see the following documentation: