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VGB Command Line Options

Use the VisualGestureBuilder command-line tool to build, analyze, and alter gesture database files.

To use the command-line tool, run a command prompt as an administrator, and call “VisualGestureBuilder.exe <option>” with one of the options listed below:

Option Description
-analyze gestureAnalysisProjectoutputResultFile.adf

Analyzes all test clips within the gestureAnalysisProject (.a.vgbproj) against the specified database (.gba or .gbd) and outputs the results to outputResultFile.adf.

You can open the outputResultFile.adf using the Analyze button for the Analysis project from within the UI.

-build buildFiledatabase

Trains all gestures contained in the buildFile and saves the resulting gesture detectors to a database.

To build multiple gesture detectors, provide the solution file (.vgbsln) as the buildFile argument and specify a .gbd database as the result.

To build a single gesture detector, provide the training project (.vgbprog) as the buildFile argument and specify a .gba database as the result.

-join destDatabasesrcDatabase [srcDatabase [srcDatabase]...]

Joins one or more database files together. The resulting destDatabase file (.gbd) must be specified first. All remaining database files (.gba/.gbd) will be treated as srcDatabase arguments.

The srcDestination accepts the wildcard symbol (*) to support joining all/multiple databases within the same path.

Note: if two database files contain the same gesture name, only the first instance of that gesture will be included in destDatabase.

-list database Opens the .gbd/.gba file specified by database and lists the gestures contained within.
-split databaseoutputdirectory Splits the .gbd/.gba file specified by database, and extracts the gestures contained within. Generates the individual gestures as .gba files and saves them in the outputdirectory specified.
-rename srcDatabasedestDatabaseoldNamenewName

Renames a gesture from oldName found in srcDatabase to newName. Saves the updated database as destDatabase.

Use this command to avoid naming conflicts when joining multiple gesture database files together or to allow side-by-side comparison of the same gestures across different builds.

Solution.vgbsln Launches VisualGestureBuilder and loads the specified solution file.
Clip.vgbclip Launches VisualGestureBuilder and loads the specified clip as a solution.
-? Displays usage information.


Here are some examples.

  VisualGestureBuilder -analyze c:\myDir\testProject.a.vgbproj c:\myDir\Database.gba c:\myDir\analysisResults.adf
  VisualGestureBuilder -build c:\myDir\solution.vgbsln c:\myDir\Database.gbd
  VisualGestureBuilder -join c:\myDir\allKickGestures.gbd c:\mySourceFilesDir\kick*
  VisualGestureBuilder -join c:\myDir\KickAndPunchGestures.gbd c:\mySourceFilesDir\kick* c:\mySourceFilesDir\punch*
  VisualGestureBuilder -list c:\myDir\Database.gbd
  VisualGestureBuilder -split c:\myDir\Database.gbd c:\myGeneratedFilesDir
  VisualGestureBuilder -rename c:\myDir\kickDatabase.gbd c:\myDir\newKickDatabase.gbd kick newKick
  VisualGestureBuilder solutionName.vgbsln
  VisualGestureBuilder clipFile.vgbclip