
Applies to: yesVisual Studio noVisual Studio for Mac


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Represents a source file.


IDiaSourceFile : IUnknown

Methods in Vtable Order

The following table shows the methods of IDiaSourceFile.

Method Description
IDiaSourceFile::get_uniqueId Retrieves a simple integer key value that is unique for this image.
IDiaSourceFile::get_fileName Retrieves the source file name.
IDiaSourceFile::get_checksumType Retrieves the checksum type.
IDiaSourceFile::get_compilands Retrieves an enumerator of the compilands with line numbers referencing this file.
IDiaSourceFile::get_checksum Retrieves the checksum bytes.


Notes for Callers

Obtain this interface by calling the IDiaEnumSourceFiles::Item or IDiaEnumSourceFiles::Next methods. See the example for details.


This function displays the names of all source files contributing to the specified table.

void ShowSourceFiles(IDiaTable *pTable)
    CComPtr<IDiaEnumSourceFiles> pSourceFiles;
    if ( SUCCEEDED( pTable->QueryInterface(
                                _uuidof( IDiaEnumSourceFiles ),
                               (void**)&pSourceFiles )
        CComPtr<IDiaSourceFile> pSourceFile;
        while ( SUCCEEDED( hr = pSourceFiles->Next( 1, &pSourceFile, &celt ) ) &&
                celt == 1 )
            CDiaBSTR fileName;
            if ( pSourceFile->get_fileName( &fileName) == S_OK )
                printf( "file name: %ws\n", fileName );
            pSourceFile = NULL;


Header: Dia2.h

Library: diaguids.lib

DLL: msdia80.dll

See also