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Provides methods to do a stack walk using information in the .pdb file.


IDiaStackWalker: IUnknown

Methods in Vtable Order

The following table shows the methods of IDiaStackWalker.

Method Description
IDiaStackWalker::getEnumFrames Retrieves a stack frame enumerator for x86 platforms.
IDiaStackWalker::getEnumFrames2 Retrieves a stack frame enumerator for a specific platform type.


This interface is used to obtain a list of stack frames for a loaded module. Each of the methods is passed an IDiaStackWalkHelper object (implemented by the client application) which provides the necessary information to create the list of stack frames.

Notes for Callers

This interface is obtained by calling the CoCreateInstance method with the class identifier CLSID_DiaStackWalker and the interface ID of IID_IDiaStackWalker. The example shows how this interface is obtained.


This example shows how to obtain the IDiaStackWalker interface.

IDiaStackWalker* pStackWalker;
HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DiaStackWalker,
                              (void**) &pStackWalker);
if (FAILED(hr))
    // Report error and exit


Header: Dia2.h

Library: diaguids.lib

DLL: msdia80.dll

See also