
Welcome to Dynamics 365 Guides

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Guides is a mixed-reality application for Microsoft HoloLens that helps operators learn during the flow of work by providing holographic instructions when and where they're needed. These instruction cards are visually tethered to the place where the work is done, and can include images, videos, and 3D holographic objects. Operators see exactly what needs to be done, and where, so they can get the job done faster, with fewer errors and greater skill retention. When needed, they can make a call to a remote expert on Microsoft Teams. The remote expert can see what the operator sees on their HoloLens. Read more about Dynamics 365 Guides capabilities.

Make a call to work collaboratively

Dynamics 365 Guides users on HoloLens can collaborate in real time with a remote expert on Microsoft Teams (desktop or mobile). By starting a call from a guide, an operator can share their HoloLens video feed, including holographic guide content, with the remote expert. Call participants can collaborate seamlessly, share expert knowledge, and solve problems faster by sharing first-person views, drawing directly in the HoloLens user's field of view, and bringing critical information into view while in the flow of work. For example, a first-line worker can call an expert if something goes wrong and get advice on how to move forward in a timely manner instead of waiting for support. Or an author might prompt a first-line worker to call a remote expert at a specific step in a guide, or ask a first-line worker to do a remote inspection as a product is being built, which will save time while ensuring high quality.

No coding skills required to create mixed-reality guides

With Dynamics 365 Guides, you don't need specialized 3D or programming skills. Start with the PC authoring app to create a guide made up of step-by-step instructions, images, videos, and 3D holograms. After you create the guide on a PC, use the HoloLens app to connect the instruction cards and holograms to the physical workspace by picking them up and moving them to the correct location. You can use the default library of 3D holograms to get started. You can also import your own custom 3D objects.

Improve productivity – Learn by doing

Dynamics 365 Guides provides heads-up, hands-free, step-by-step instructions during the flow of work, whether employees are doing complex procedures on the job or training away from the production line. Operators control the interface with their gaze, using a glance to move to the next step, which leaves their hands free to do the work. Instruction cards follow the operator as they move around equipment. Holograms point to the tools and parts that they need, and show them exactly how and where to use them. The experience is comfortable and simple to use, and it helps reduce mental processing time, errors, and the need to rely on a buddy system.

Continually analyze and improve processes

Managers can use Power BI dashboards to view rich data about how processes are working for their employees. Using this data, they can continually analyze and improve processes without having to do expensive studies.

Dynamics 365 Guides also provides access and integration opportunities for customers and partners, because it's part of the Dynamics 365 product family and is powered by Microsoft Dataverse.

Dynamics 365 Guides videos

Watch these videos to quickly learn the basics of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Guides.

Video camera graphic Overview of Dynamics 365 Guides
Video camera graphic Author a guide in the PC app
Video camera graphic Author a guide on HoloLens (shows HoloLens 1 version)
Video camera graphic Set up a QR code anchor for your guide
Video camera graphic Operate a guide (shows HoloLens 1 version)

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