StringBuilder.Equals Méthode




Renvoie une valeur indiquant si les caractères de cette instance sont égaux à ceux d'une plage spécifiée de caractères en lecture seule.


Retourne une valeur indiquant si cette instance équivaut à un objet spécifié.


Renvoie une valeur indiquant si les caractères de cette instance sont égaux à ceux d'une plage spécifiée de caractères en lecture seule.

 bool Equals(ReadOnlySpan<char> span);
public bool Equals (ReadOnlySpan<char> span);
override this.Equals : ReadOnlySpan<char> -> bool
Public Function Equals (span As ReadOnlySpan(Of Char)) As Boolean



Plage de caractères à comparer avec l'instance actuelle.



true si les caractères de cette instance et de span sont identiques ; sinon, false.


La Equals méthode effectue une comparaison ordinale pour déterminer si les caractères de l’instance actuelle et span sont égaux.

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Retourne une valeur indiquant si cette instance équivaut à un objet spécifié.

 bool Equals(System::Text::StringBuilder ^ sb);
public bool Equals (System.Text.StringBuilder sb);
public bool Equals (System.Text.StringBuilder? sb);
override this.Equals : System.Text.StringBuilder -> bool
Public Function Equals (sb As StringBuilder) As Boolean



Objet à comparer à cette instance ou null.



true si cette instance et sb ont des valeurs de chaîne, de Capacity et de MaxCapacity égales ; sinon, false.


Le code suivant utilise la Equals méthode pour vérifier si deux StringBuilder objets sont égaux. La méthode est appelée à plusieurs reprises après des modifications mineures apportées à chaque objet, et les résultats sont affichés dans la console.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Text;
int main()
   StringBuilder^ sb1 = gcnew StringBuilder( "abc" );
   StringBuilder^ sb2 = gcnew StringBuilder( "abc",16 );
   Console::WriteLine( "a1) sb1->Length = {0}, sb1->Capacity = {1}", sb1->Length, sb1->Capacity );
   Console::WriteLine( "a2) sb2->Length = {0}, sb2->Capacity = {1}", sb2->Length, sb2->Capacity );
   Console::WriteLine( "a3) sb1 = \"{0}\", sb2 = \"{1}\"", sb1, sb2 );
   Console::WriteLine( "a4) sb1 equals sb2: {0}", sb1->Equals( sb2 ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Ensure sb1 has a capacity of at least 50 characters." );
   sb1->EnsureCapacity( 50 );
   Console::WriteLine( "b1) sb1->Length = {0}, sb1->Capacity = {1}", sb1->Length, sb1->Capacity );
   Console::WriteLine( "b2) sb2->Length = {0}, sb2->Capacity = {1}", sb2->Length, sb2->Capacity );
   Console::WriteLine( "b3) sb1 = \"{0}\", sb2 = \"{1}\"", sb1, sb2 );
   Console::WriteLine( "b4) sb1 equals sb2: {0}", sb1->Equals( sb2 ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "Set the length of sb1 to zero." );
   Console::WriteLine( "Set the capacity of sb2 to 51 characters." );
   sb1->Length = 0;
   sb2->Capacity = 51;
   Console::WriteLine( "c1) sb1->Length = {0}, sb1->Capacity = {1}", sb1->Length, sb1->Capacity );
   Console::WriteLine( "c2) sb2->Length = {0}, sb2->Capacity = {1}", sb2->Length, sb2->Capacity );
   Console::WriteLine( "c3) sb1 = \"{0}\", sb2 = \"{1}\"", sb1, sb2 );
   Console::WriteLine( "c4) sb1 equals sb2: {0}", sb1->Equals( sb2 ) );

The example displays the following output:

a1) sb1->Length = 3, sb1->Capacity = 16
a2) sb2->Length = 3, sb2->Capacity = 16
a3) sb1 = "abc", sb2 = "abc"
a4) sb1 equals sb2: True

Ensure sb1 has a capacity of at least 50 characters.

b1) sb1->Length = 3, sb1->Capacity = 50
b2) sb2->Length = 3, sb2->Capacity = 16
b3) sb1 = "abc", sb2 = "abc"
b4) sb1 equals sb2: False

Set the length of sb1 to zero.
Set the capacity of sb2 to 51 characters.

c1) sb1->Length = 0, sb1->Capacity = 50
c2) sb2->Length = 3, sb2->Capacity = 51
c3) sb1 = "", sb2 = "abc"
c4) sb1 equals sb2: False
using System;
using System.Text;

class Sample
    public static void Main()
    StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder("abc");
    StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder("abc", 16);

    Console.WriteLine("a1) sb1.Length = {0}, sb1.Capacity = {1}", sb1.Length, sb1.Capacity);
    Console.WriteLine("a2) sb2.Length = {0}, sb2.Capacity = {1}", sb2.Length, sb2.Capacity);
    Console.WriteLine("a3) sb1.ToString() = \"{0}\", sb2.ToString() = \"{1}\"",
                           sb1.ToString(),       sb2.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine("a4) sb1 equals sb2: {0}", sb1.Equals(sb2));

    Console.WriteLine("Ensure sb1 has a capacity of at least 50 characters.");

    Console.WriteLine("b1) sb1.Length = {0}, sb1.Capacity = {1}", sb1.Length, sb1.Capacity);
    Console.WriteLine("b2) sb2.Length = {0}, sb2.Capacity = {1}", sb2.Length, sb2.Capacity);
    Console.WriteLine("b3) sb1.ToString() = \"{0}\", sb2.ToString() = \"{1}\"",
                           sb1.ToString(),       sb2.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine("b4) sb1 equals sb2: {0}", sb1.Equals(sb2));

    Console.WriteLine("Set the length of sb1 to zero.");
    Console.WriteLine("Set the capacity of sb2 to 51 characters.");
    sb1.Length = 0;
    sb2.Capacity = 51;

    Console.WriteLine("c1) sb1.Length = {0}, sb1.Capacity = {1}", sb1.Length, sb1.Capacity);
    Console.WriteLine("c2) sb2.Length = {0}, sb2.Capacity = {1}", sb2.Length, sb2.Capacity);
    Console.WriteLine("c3) sb1.ToString() = \"{0}\", sb2.ToString() = \"{1}\"",
                           sb1.ToString(),       sb2.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine("c4) sb1 equals sb2: {0}", sb1.Equals(sb2));
The example displays the following output:

a1) sb1.Length = 3, sb1.Capacity = 16
a2) sb2.Length = 3, sb2.Capacity = 16
a3) sb1.ToString() = "abc", sb2.ToString() = "abc"
a4) sb1 equals sb2: True

Ensure sb1 has a capacity of at least 50 characters.

b1) sb1.Length = 3, sb1.Capacity = 50
b2) sb2.Length = 3, sb2.Capacity = 16
b3) sb1.ToString() = "abc", sb2.ToString() = "abc"
b4) sb1 equals sb2: False

Set the length of sb1 to zero.
Set the capacity of sb2 to 51 characters.

c1) sb1.Length = 0, sb1.Capacity = 50
c2) sb2.Length = 3, sb2.Capacity = 51
c3) sb1.ToString() = "", sb2.ToString() = "abc"
c4) sb1 equals sb2: False
Imports System.Text

Class Sample
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim sb1 As New StringBuilder("abc")
      Dim sb2 As New StringBuilder("abc", 16)
      Console.WriteLine("a1) sb1.Length = {0}, sb1.Capacity = {1}", sb1.Length, sb1.Capacity)
      Console.WriteLine("a2) sb2.Length = {0}, sb2.Capacity = {1}", sb2.Length, sb2.Capacity)
      Console.WriteLine("a3) sb1.ToString() = ""{0}"", sb2.ToString() = ""{1}""", _
                             sb1.ToString(),           sb2.ToString())
      Console.WriteLine("a4) sb1 equals sb2: {0}", sb1.Equals(sb2))
      Console.WriteLine("Ensure sb1 has a capacity of at least 50 characters.")
      Console.WriteLine("b1) sb1.Length = {0}, sb1.Capacity = {1}", sb1.Length, sb1.Capacity)
      Console.WriteLine("b2) sb2.Length = {0}, sb2.Capacity = {1}", sb2.Length, sb2.Capacity)
      Console.WriteLine("b3) sb1.ToString() = ""{0}"", sb2.ToString() = ""{1}""", _
                             sb1.ToString(),           sb2.ToString())
      Console.WriteLine("b4) sb1 equals sb2: {0}", sb1.Equals(sb2))
      Console.WriteLine("Set the length of sb1 to zero.")
      Console.WriteLine("Set the capacity of sb2 to 51 characters.")
      sb1.Length = 0
      sb2.Capacity = 51
      Console.WriteLine("c1) sb1.Length = {0}, sb1.Capacity = {1}", sb1.Length, sb1.Capacity)
      Console.WriteLine("c2) sb2.Length = {0}, sb2.Capacity = {1}", sb2.Length, sb2.Capacity)
      Console.WriteLine("c3) sb1.ToString() = ""{0}"", sb2.ToString() = ""{1}""", _
                             sb1.ToString(),           sb2.ToString())
      Console.WriteLine("c4) sb1 equals sb2: {0}", sb1.Equals(sb2))
   End Sub 
End Class
'The example displays the following output:
'       a1) sb1.Length = 3, sb1.Capacity = 16
'       a2) sb2.Length = 3, sb2.Capacity = 16
'       a3) sb1.ToString() = "abc", sb2.ToString() = "abc"
'       a4) sb1 equals sb2: True
'       Ensure sb1 has a capacity of at least 50 characters.
'       b1) sb1.Length = 3, sb1.Capacity = 50
'       b2) sb2.Length = 3, sb2.Capacity = 16
'       b3) sb1.ToString() = "abc", sb2.ToString() = "abc"
'       b4) sb1 equals sb2: False
'       Set the length of sb1 to zero.
'       Set the capacity of sb2 to 51 characters.
'       c1) sb1.Length = 0, sb1.Capacity = 50
'       c2) sb2.Length = 3, sb2.Capacity = 51
'       c3) sb1.ToString() = "", sb2.ToString() = "abc"
'       c4) sb1 equals sb2: False


.NET Framework et .net Core 2,2 et versions antérieures : l’instance actuelle et sb sont égaux s’ils ont des valeurs de chaîne, Capacity et MaxCapacity . La Equals méthode utilise la comparaison ordinale pour déterminer si les chaînes sont égales.

.Net Core 3,0 et versions ultérieures : L’instance actuelle et sb sont égaux si les chaînes assignées aux deux StringBuilder objets sont identiques. Pour déterminer l’égalité, la Equals méthode utilise la comparaison ordinale. Les Capacity valeurs de propriété et ne MaxCapacity sont pas utilisées dans la comparaison.

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