I_IrmPolicyInfo.HrGetOfflineDays Method

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Gets the number of days that the user should have access to the requested file.

HRESULT HrGetOfflineDays(
    DWORD* pdwOfflineDays



[out] The number of days that the user should have access to the requested file.

Return Value

All I_IrmPolicyInfo Class methods return HRESULT values. A positive OK value indicates the operation was successful. A negative return value indicates that the function did not succeed.

In general, if an I_IrmPolicyInfo Class method fails, the protector will not be able to recover from the error and will fail as well.


This method enables the I_IrmProtector.HrProtect Method method of an autonomous Information Rights Management (IRM) protector to determine the number of days that the user should have access to the requested file.

A document library administrator can specify a consumption period, in days, for files requested from a rights-managed library. After the consumption period has expired, the user should be unable to access the content in the downloaded, rights-managed copy of the file.

It is the responsibility of the protector to convert this information into a format that an IRM-aware client application can enforce.

Only the user requesting the file should be placed under this restriction. The owner of the file, that is, Windows SharePoint Services, should not be placed under this restriction. This enables the user to upload the rights-managed file to the document library after the consumption period has passed.

For more information about integrated and autonomous protectors, see Custom IRM Protectors.

See Also


I_IrmProtector Interface

I_IrmPolicyInfo Class


Information Rights Management in Windows SharePoint Services Overview

Custom IRM Protectors