IParserPropertyBag.ProcessLink Method

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Returns the correct value for a document property that is a Windows SharePoint Services link.

HRESULT ProcessLink(



[in] The current value of the document property that is a Windows SharePoint Services link.


[out] The correct value of the document property that is a Windows SharePoint Services link.

Return Value

The IParserPropertyBag Class methods return typical HRESULT values. In general, the method should return a positive OK value when successful or a negative FAIL value when unsuccessful.


If the value of pval differs from the value of val, the custom parser should update the property in the document to the value of *pval.

The method caller should not change or free the memory pointed to by *pval. The *pval parameter is only valid until the next time the ProcessLink method is called.

Windows SharePoint Services stores the links in a specific document in an ordered list. Therefore, for a specific document, the parser must always call the ProcessLink method the same number of times, and in the same order, as long as the document content has not changed.

See Also


IParserPropertyBag Class


Custom Document Parsers

Document Parser Interface Overview