Membres SPGlobalAdmin (Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration)

Use the new SPFarm and SPWebService classes instead, to manage a Windows SharePoint Services deployment. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, SPGlobalAdmin represented the top-level object for administration of a deployment, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.

Les tableaux suivants contiennent la liste des membres exposés par le type SPGlobalAdmin .

Constructeurs publics

  Nom Description
Méthode publique SPGlobalAdmin Obsolete. Initializes a new instance of the SPGlobalAdmin class.

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Champs publics

  Nom Description
Champ public Statique AdminPortMaxValue Obsolete. In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the AdminPortMaxValue field indicated the maximum value that could be used for the administrative port, and is maintained for backward compatibility.
Champ public Statique AdminPortMinValue Obsolete. In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the AdminPortMaxValue field indicated the minimum value that could be used for the administrative port, and is maintained for backward compatibility.
Champ public Statique RequestFromAdminPort Obsolete. In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the AdminPortMaxValue field indicated the name of the administration port, and is maintained for backward compatibility.

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Propriétés publiques

  Nom Description
Propriété publique AccountCreationModeEnabled Use the CreateActiveDirectoryAccounts property of the SPWebService class to specify whether Active Directory Domain Services accounts are created instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the AccountCreationModeEnabled property indicated whether account creation mode for Active Directory Domain Services is enabled, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Propriété publique AdminFormDigest Use the FormDigest class instead to implement security validation. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the AdminFormDigest property got the security validation that was used for a request in a SharePoint Central Administration page, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Propriété publique AdminPortApplicationPoolId Use the Name property of the SPApplicationPool class to identify the application pool instance instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the AdminPortApplicationPoolId property got the administrative application pool ID, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Propriété publique AdminPortIISInstanceId Use the IisSettings property of the SPAdministrationWebApplication class to access the instance ID of the administration port instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the AdminPortIISInstanceId property got the administrative ID of the instance of Internet Information Services (IIS), and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Propriété publique AdminPortUrl Use the GetResponseUri method of the SPWebApplication class to return the abolute root of the URI instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the AdminPortUrl property got the administration port used on the administration virtual server, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Propriété publique AllowUnsafeUpdates Obsolete. Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether to allow updates to the database as a result of a GET request or without requiring a security validation.
Propriété publique ApplicationPools Use the ApplicationPools property of the SPWebService class to get the collection of Internet Information Services (IIS) application pools that are available to the service instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the ApplicationPools property got the IIS application pools for the virtual server, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Propriété publique Config Obsolete. In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the Config property got a global configuration object that contained configuration settings in the Windows SharePoint Services deployment, and is maintained for backward compatibility.
Propriété publique ConfigDatabase The configuration database should not be accessed directly. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the ConfigDatabase property got the configuration database in the Windows SharePoint Services deployment, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Propriété publique ConfigDatabaseName The configuration database should not be accessed directly. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the ConfigDatabaseName property got the name of the configuration database, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Propriété publique ConfigDatabaseServer The configuration database should not be accessed directly. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the ConfigDatabaseServer property got the name of the configuration database server, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Propriété publique ConfigDatabaseUser The configuration database should not be accessed directly. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the ConfigDatabaseUser property got the user name of the administrator account for the configuration database, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Propriété publique InstalledLanguages Use the GlobalInstalledLanguages property of the SPRegionalSettings class to get the languages installed in the Windows SharePoint Services deployment instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the InstalledLanguages property got the collection of installed languages, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Propriété publique MailCodePage Use the UpdateMailSettings method of the SPAdministrationWebApplication class to update default mail settings instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the MailCodePage property got the language code page used for e-mail messages, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Propriété publique MailFromAddress Use the UpdateMailSettings method of the SPAdministrationWebApplication class to update default mail settings instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the MailFromAddress property got the From address used for e-mail in the Windows SharePoint Services deployment, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Propriété publique MailReplyToAddress Use the UpdateMailSettings method of the SPAdministrationWebApplication class to update default mail settings instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the MailReplyToAddress property got the To address used for e-mail in the Windows SharePoint Services deployment, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Propriété publique OutboundSmtpServer Use the UpdateMailSettings method of the SPAdministrationWebApplication class to update default mail settings instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the OutboundSmtpServer property got the name of the SMTP server used for e-mail messages in the Windows SharePoint Services deployment, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Propriété publique Statique ServerCulture Obsolete. In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the ServerCulture property got information about the culture represented on the virtual server, and is maintained for backward compatibility.
Propriété publique ServerLanguage Use the ServerLanguage property of the SPRegionalSettings class to get the language used in the Web application instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the ServerLanguage property got the language used on the virtual server, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Propriété publique TimeZones Use the TimeZones property of the SPRegionalSettings class to get the collection of time zones used in a server farm instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the TimeZones property got the collection of time zones, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Propriété publique UsageSettings Use the UsageSettings property of the SPWebService class to get the collection of usage settings for the Web service instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the UsageSettings property got a usage settings object that encapsulated the settings for logging and usage processing, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Propriété publique UseHostHeaderAsSiteName Use the HostHeaderIsSiteName property of the SPSite class to indicate whether the host header is used to uniquely identify the site collection instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the UseHostHeaderAsSiteName property got a Boolean value that indicated whether the host header was used as the name for the site collection on the virtual server, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Propriété publique UseNtAuthenticationForDatabase The authentication mode can vary for each database, and a database uses NT authentication if the Username property is null. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the UseNtAuthenticationForDatabase property got a Boolean value that indicated whether Microsoft Windows NT authentication is used for the database, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Propriété publique Version Obsolete. In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the Version property got the version of Windows SharePoint Services that is installed in the deployment, and is maintained for backward compatibility.
Propriété publique VirtualServerNames Use the WebApplications property of the SPWebService class to get the collection of Web applications in the Web service instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the VirtualServerNames property got the names of the virtual servers in the Windows SharePoint Services deployment, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Propriété publique VirtualServers Use the WebApplications property of the SPWebService class to get the collection of Web applications in the Web service instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the VirtualServerNames property got the collection of virtual server objects in the Windows SharePoint Services deployment, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.

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Méthodes publiques

(voir aussi Méthodes protégées )

  Nom Description
Méthode publique AddCustomGlobalWebTemplate Use the Add method of the SPPersistedCustomWebTemplateCollection class to add a template to the collection of custom site collection templates instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the AddCustomGlobalWebTemplate method added a site template to the site template gallery, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Méthode publique AddWPPack Use the SPSolution class and other related solution objects to deploy Web Parts instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the AddWPPack method either enabled a Web Part package that was already installed on the virtual server and added it to the Web Part gallery, or installed and enabled a Web Part package and added it to the Web Part gallery, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Méthode publique CheckVirtualServerState Obsolete. In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the CheckVirtualServerState method verified whether the virtual server was in the specified state, and is maintained for backward compatibility.
Méthode publique Close In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the Close method closed the global administration object and is maintained for backward compatibility. Obsolète.
Méthode publique CreateAdminVirtualServer The Administration Web application is created when the server farm is created. To provision the Central Administration Web site on a server, enable the Central Administration Web service instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the CreateAdminVirtualServer method created an administration virtual server, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Méthode publique CreateConfigDatabase Surchargé. Obsolete. Use the Create method of the SPFarm class to create a configuration database instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the CreateConfigDatabase method was used to create a configuration database, and is maintained for backward compatibility.)
Méthode publique DeleteAdminVirtualServer Use the Unprovision method of the SPWebServiceInstance class to remove the Web service from the server. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the DeleteAdminVirtualServer method was used to delete the administration virtual server, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Méthode publique DeleteConfigDB Use the Unjoin method of the SPFarm class to remove the local server from the server farm instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the DeleteConfigDB method was used to delete the configuration database and all associated information, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Méthode publique DeleteCustomGlobalWebTemplate Use the Remove method of the SPPersistedCustomWebTemplateCollection class to delete the template instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the DeleteCustomGlobalWebTemplate method was used to delete the specified global site template, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Méthode publique Dispose In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the Dispose method was used to release all unmanaged resources used by the global administration object, and is maintained for backward compatibility. Obsolète.
Méthode publique EnumWPPacks Use the SPSolution class and other related solution objects to deploy Web Parts instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the EnumWPPacks method returned a string that contained the URL and file name of the specified installed Web Part package, or a string that contained a list of all the Web Part packages currently installed on the specified virtual server or front-end Web server, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Méthode publique Equals  Surchargé. (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique ExtendVirtualServer Surchargé. Obsolete. Use the SPWebApplicationBuilder class to create a new Web application instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the ExtendVirtualServer method extended an Internet Information Services (IIS) Web site with Windows SharePoint Services, and is maintained for backward compatibility.)
Méthode publique ExtendVirtualServerInWebFarm Surchargé. Obsolete. To extend a Web application to a new Internet Information Services (IIS) Web site, add a new entry to the IIS settings through the IisSettings property of the SPWebApplication class. Windows SharePoint Services automatically handles duplication of IIS Web sites on other computers in the server farm. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the ExtendVirtualServerInWebFarm method extended a virtual server in a server farm with Windows SharePoint Services, and is maintained for backward compatibility.)
Méthode publique GetHashCode  (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique GetType  (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique IIS6EnableSTS In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the IIS6EnableSTS method specified whether to enable Windows SharePoint Services in Internet Information Services (IIS) version 6, and is maintained for backward compatibility. Obsolète.
Méthode publique IsCurrentUserGlobalAdmin In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the IsCurrentUserGlobalAdmin method returned a Boolean value that indicated whether the current user is a member of the SharePoint administrators group account in the Windows SharePoint Services deployment, and is maintained for backward compatibility. Obsolète.
Méthode publique IsCurrentUserMachineAdmin Obsolete. In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the IsCurrentUserGlobalAdmin method returned a Boolean value that indicated whether the current user is a member of the local administrators group for the computer running Windows SharePoint Services, and is maintained for backward compatibility.
Méthode publique ListCustomGlobalWebTemplates In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the ListCustomGlobalWebTemplates method returned a list of the global site templates available for instantiating sites across virtual servers on a front-end Web server, and is maintained for backward compatibility. Obsolète.
Méthode publique Log In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the Log method created an entry in the Windows SharePoint Services error log, and is maintained for backward compatibility. For information about how to log errors in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, see Journaux de suivi. Obsolète.
Méthode publique OpenVirtualServer Use the Lookup method of the SPWebApplication class to return a specified Web application instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the OpenVirtualServer method opened the virtual server, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Méthode publique Statique ReferenceEquals  (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique RefreshConfigCache Surchargé. Obsolete. The configuration cache is now refreshed automatically by the timer service. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the RefreshConfigCache method refreshed the configuration cache, and is maintained for backward compatibility.)
Méthode publique RefreshConfigCacheOnRemoteServers Surchargé. Obsolete. The configuration cache is now refreshed automatically by the timer service. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the RefreshConfigCacheOnRemoteServers method refreshed the configuration cache on remote servers in the server farm, and is maintained for backward compatibility.)
Méthode publique RegisterASPNETClient In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the RegisterASPNETClient method installed script files for validating the client computer, and is maintained for backward compatibility. Obsolète.
Méthode publique RemoveWPPack Use the SPSolution class and other related solution objects to deploy Web Parts instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the RemoveWPPack method disabled the specified Web Part package and removed it from the Web Part gallery of the server, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Méthode publique SetAdminPort To change the port number of the administration site, update the SPIisSettings object associated with the administration Web application that is returned by SPAdministrationWebApplication.Local, and call the Provision method of the SPWebApplication class. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the SetAdminPort method set the port number for the administration virtual server.) Obsolète.
Méthode publique SetAdminPortAppPool Use SPAdministrationWebApplication.Local to return the administration Web application through which to change the application pool. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the SetAdminPortAppPool method specified an application pool in Internet Information Services (IIS) for the administration server.) Obsolète.
Méthode publique SetLogThreshold Use the SetAll method of the SPDiagnosticsService class instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the SetLogThreshold method got a logging threshold value that specified the highest level for which messages are logged in the Windows SharePoint Services error log, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Méthode publique StartDBService Use the Provision method of the SPWindowsServiceInstance class to provision the database service instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the StartDBService method started the specified database server as a service in the Windows SharePoint Services deployment, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Méthode publique StartTimerService Use the Provision method of the SPWindowsServiceInstance class to provision the timer service instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the StartTimerService started the SharePoint Timer service for scheduled background processes in the Windows SharePoint Services deployment, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Méthode publique ToString  (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique UnextendVirtualServer Surchargé. Obsolete. To remove Windows SharePoint Services from an Internet Information Services (IIS) Web site, remove the IISSettings object from the Web application that the site is serving, and call the Unprovision method of the SPWebApplication class. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the UnextendVirtualServer method removed Windows SharePoint Services from the virtual server.)
Méthode publique UpdateConfigDatabaseConnection Use the Join method of the SPFarm class to add a local computer to the server farm instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the UpdateConfigDatabaseConnection method was used to update the connection to the configuration database, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Méthode publique UpdateMailSettings Use the UpdateMailSettings method of the SPAdministrationWebApplication class to update default mail settings instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the UpdateMailSettings method updated the default e-mail settings in the configuration database with the specified values, and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Méthode publique UpgradeApplication In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the UpgradeApplication method upgraded the administrative virtual server, and is maintained for backward compatibility. Obsolète.
Méthode publique UpgradeConfigDB Surchargé. Obsolete. In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 the UpgradeConfigDB method upgraded the configuration database, and is maintained for backward compatibility.

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Méthodes protégées

  Nom Description
Méthode protégée Finalize  (hérité de Object)
Méthode protégée MemberwiseClone  (hérité de Object)

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Voir aussi


SPGlobalAdmin, classe
Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration, espace de noms