Membres SPWebService (Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration)

Represents a Web service that contains one or more Web applications.

Les tableaux suivants contiennent la liste des membres exposés par le type SPWebService .

Constructeurs publics

  Nom Description
Méthode publique SPWebService Surchargé. Initialize a new instance of the SPWebService class.

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Propriétés publiques

  Nom Description
Propriété publique ActiveDirectoryDomain Gets or sets the domain in which to create Active Directory accounts.
Propriété publique ActiveDirectoryOrganizationalUnit Gets or sets the organizational unit in which to create Active Directory accounts.
Propriété publique Statique AdministrationService Gets the Web service associated with the administration application.
Propriété publique AlternateContentEditorScript Gets or sets the alternate editor script to include in the Content Editor Web Part.
Propriété publique AntivirusSettings Gets the collection of antivirus settings for this service.
Propriété publique ApplicationPools Gets the collection of IIS application pools available to this service.
Propriété publique CanRenameOnRestore Gets a value indicating whether the service can be renamed when it is restored.
Propriété publique CanSelectForBackup Gets or sets a value indicating whether the service can be backed up.
Propriété publique CanSelectForRestore Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the service can be restored.
Propriété publique CanUpgrade  Gets a value that indicates whether the object can be upgraded.(hérité de SPPersistedUpgradableObject)
Propriété publique Statique ContentService Gets the Web service associated with the content application.
Propriété publique CreateActiveDirectoryAccounts Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether to create Active Directory accounts for new site users.
Propriété publique DeclarativeWorkflowAutostartOnEmailEnabled  
Propriété publique DefaultDatabaseInstance Gets or sets the default SQL installation for new content databases associated with this Web service.
Propriété publique DefaultDatabasePassword Gets or sets the default password to use for new content databases when using SQL authentication.
Propriété publique DefaultDatabaseUsername Gets or sets the default username to use for new content databases when using SQL authentication.
Propriété publique DiscoPage Gets or sets the path to the Web Services Discovery page relative to the /_vti_bin virtual directory.
Propriété publique DiskSizeRequired Gets the amount of disk space that is required to back up this Web service.
Propriété publique DisplayName  Gets the display name that describes the persisted object instance within the administrative user interface.(hérité de SPPersistedObject)
Propriété publique Farm  Gets the server farm where the object lives.(hérité de SPPersistedObject)
Propriété publique Features Gets the collection of globally scoped features that are activated in the farm.
Propriété publique HtmlTransformSettings Gets the collection of HTML transform settings for the Web service.
Propriété publique Id  Gets or sets the GUID that is associated with the object. (hérité de SPPersistedObject)
Propriété publique Instances  Gets a collection of all instances of the service in the server farm.(hérité de SPService)
Propriété publique IrmSettings Gets the collection of IRM settings for the Web service.
Propriété publique JobDefinitions  Gets a collection of job definitions for this service.(hérité de SPService)
Propriété publique LargeFileChunkSize Gets or sets the maximum file size for a file to be uploaded to Windows SharePoint Services.
Propriété publique MaxTemplateDocumentSize Gets or sets the maximum size for catalogs of list and site templates.
Propriété publique MembershipUserKeyType Gets or sets a value that represents the user identifier from the membership data source for the user.
Propriété publique Name  Gets or sets the name that identifies a particular instance of the object.(hérité de SPPersistedObject)
Propriété publique NeedsUpgrade  Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the object needs to be upgraded.(hérité de SPPersistedUpgradableObject)
Propriété publique NeedsUpgradeIncludeChildren  Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the object should be upgraded, considering the children of the object.(hérité de SPPersistedUpgradableObject)
Propriété publique Parent  Gets the ID of the parent class that declares the object.(hérité de SPPersistedObject)
Propriété publique PluggableParsers The set of document parsers available to this Web service.
Propriété publique Properties  Gets a property bag that is used to store properties for the persisted object.(hérité de SPPersistedObject)
Propriété publique QuotaTemplates Gets a collection of SPQuotaTemplate objects.
Propriété publique Required Substitué. Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether an instance of the Web service must be running on at least one computer in the server farm.
Propriété publique RunningJobs  Gets a collection of running jobs for this service.(hérité de SPService)
Propriété publique SiteRedirectionEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the feature that redirects requests for a site to another URL is enabled.
Propriété publique Status  Gets or sets the status of the object that the class represents.(hérité de SPPersistedObject)
Propriété publique TokenTimeout Gets or sets the amount of time before a user token times out.
Propriété publique TypeName Substitué. Gets the user-friendly name used to describe the Web service in the administration user interface.
Propriété publique UpgradeContext  Gets additional upgrade context. (hérité de SPPersistedUpgradableObject)
Propriété publique UpgradedPersistedProperties  Gets the collection of field names and values for fields that were deleted or changed. (hérité de SPAutoSerializingObject)
Propriété publique UsageSettings Gets the collection of usage settings for this Web service.
Propriété publique Version  Gets the time that the object was last updated.(hérité de SPPersistedObject)
Propriété publique WebApplications Gets the set of Web applications that are installed with this service.
Propriété publique WebConfigModifications Gets the web.config modifications that apply to all the Web applications in the Web service.
Propriété publique WorkflowCPUThrottle Gets or sets the percentage of CPU capacity that can be allocated to a workflow.
Propriété publique WorkflowEventDeliveryBatchSize Gets or sets the maximum number of workflow events that can be processed in a batch by the farm.
Propriété publique WorkflowEventDeliveryThrottle Gets or sets the number of number of workflow events that can be processed simultaneously by the server farm or Web front end server.
Propriété publique WorkflowTimeoutMinutes Gets or sets the number of minutes to wait for a workflow event.
Propriété publique WorkflowTimerJobCPUThrottle Gets or sets the percentage of CPU capacity that can be allocated to a workflow timer job.
Propriété publique WorkItemEventDeliveryBatchSize Gets or sets the maximum number of SPWorkItem events to be submitted in a batch to the SPWorkItem event receiver object.
Propriété publique WorkItemEventDeliveryThrottle Gets or sets the rate at which SPWorkItem events will be processed by the farm.

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Méthodes publiques

(voir aussi Méthodes protégées )

  Nom Description
Méthode publique AddBackupObjects Adds the Web service to the backup/restore operation.
Méthode publique ApplyApplicationContentToLocalServer Copies the resource files and DLLs of provisioned Web applications in the Web service to folders within C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories.
Méthode publique ApplyWebConfigModifications Applies the list of web.config modifications to all Web applications in this Web service across the farm.
Méthode publique Clone  Returns a clone of the object that does not come from the in-memory cache, which enables calling code to help ensure thread safety.(hérité de SPPersistedObject)
Méthode publique Delete  Removes the object from the collection and the server farm.(hérité de SPPersistedObject)
Méthode publique Equals  Surchargé. (hérité de SPPersistedObject)
Méthode publique GetChild  Surchargé. (hérité de SPPersistedObject)
Méthode publique GetHashCode  Serves as a hash function for the persisted object.(hérité de SPPersistedObject)
Méthode publique GetObjectData  (hérité de SPAutoSerializingObject)
Méthode publique GetType  (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique Invalidate  Invalidates computed property values of the IUpgradable interface.(hérité de SPPersistedUpgradableObject)
Méthode publique OnAbort Called when the backup of this Web service terminates unexpectedly.
Méthode publique OnBackup Called when the Web service is being backed up.
Méthode publique OnBackupComplete Called after the backup has completed.
Méthode publique OnPostRestore Called after the restore operation has completed.
Méthode publique OnPrepareBackup Called before the backup begins.
Méthode publique OnPreRestore Called before the restore operation begins.
Méthode publique OnRestore Called when the Web service is being restored.
Méthode publique Statique op_Equality  (hérité de SPPersistedObject)
Méthode publique Statique op_Inequality  (hérité de SPPersistedObject)
Méthode publique Provision  Makes the necessary changes to the local server to use the object.(hérité de SPPersistedObject)
Méthode publique Statique ReferenceEquals  (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique ToString  Returns the type and name of an object and of all its ancestors (parent, grandparent, and so on).(hérité de SPPersistedObject)
Méthode publique Uncache  Frees the memory cache that is used by the object.(hérité de SPPersistedObject)
Méthode publique Unprovision  Makes the necessary changes to the local server to clean up after deleting the object.(hérité de SPPersistedObject)
Méthode publique Update Surchargé. Substitué.  
Méthode publique Upgrade  Surchargé. Upgrades the object.(hérité de SPPersistedUpgradableObject)

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Méthodes protégées

  Nom Description
Méthode protégée Finalize  (hérité de Object)
Méthode protégée MemberwiseClone  (hérité de Object)
Méthode protégée OnDeserialization  Deserializes a persisted object into an in-memory object.(hérité de SPPersistedObject)
Méthode protégée UpdateParent  Causes the containing SPPersistedObject, if one exists, to update its state. (hérité de SPAutoSerializingObject)
Méthode protégée Validate  Validates the state of all fields before persisting the object. (hérité de SPPersistedObject)

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Voir aussi


SPWebService, classe
Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration, espace de noms