Membres ISecurableObject (Microsoft.SharePoint)

Exposes the role assignments for an object and manages the permissions of the object.

Les tableaux suivants contiennent la liste des membres exposés par le type ISecurableObject .

Propriétés publiques

  Nom Description
Propriété publique AllRolesForCurrentUser Gets all the role definitions for the current user.
Propriété publique EffectiveBasePermissions Gets the current user's effective base permissions on the object, including group membership and policies.
Propriété publique FirstUniqueAncestor Gets the first unique ancestor for the object.
Propriété publique HasUniqueRoleAssignments Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the object has unique security or inherits its role assignments from a parent object.
Propriété publique ReusableAcl Gets an opaque object representing the raw access control list (ACL) information of the securable object.
Propriété publique RoleAssignments Gets the role assignments for a uniquely securable object type.

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Méthodes publiques

  Nom Description
Méthode publique BreakRoleInheritance Creates unique role assignments for the object.
Méthode publique CheckPermissions Checks the permissions for a given set of rights.
Méthode publique DoesUserHavePermissions Checks the permissions of the user for a given set of rights.
Méthode publique ResetRoleInheritance Removes the local role assignments and reverts to role assignments from the parent object.

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Voir aussi


ISecurableObject, interface
Microsoft.SharePoint, espace de noms