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WaitForChangedResult Struktur


Berisi informasi tentang perubahan yang terjadi.

public value class WaitForChangedResult
public struct WaitForChangedResult
type WaitForChangedResult = struct
Public Structure WaitForChangedResult


Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan FileSystemWatcher secara sinkron dengan menunggu pemberitahuan perubahan file tertentu terjadi.

Imports System.IO

Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        ' Define a path and a file name for a temporary file.
        Dim pathname As String = "C:\"
        Dim filename As String = "JunkFile.tmp"
        Dim filepathname As String = Path.Combine(pathname, filename)

        ' Create the temporary file and then close it.

        Console.WriteLine("This application will terminate when you delete the {0} file", filepathname)

        ' Have a FileSystemWatcher monitor the path and file for changes.
        Dim fsw As New FileSystemWatcher(pathname, filename)
        fsw.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.FileName
        fsw.EnableRaisingEvents = True

        ' Suspend the calling thread until the file has been deleted.
        Dim cr As IO.WaitForChangedResult = fsw.WaitForChanged(WatcherChangeTypes.Deleted)

        ' Tell the user the file is deleted and exit.
        Console.WriteLine("The {0} files is deleted; program is exiting", cr.Name)
    End Sub
End Module

' This code produces the following output.
'  This application will terminate when you delete the C:\JunkFile.tmp file
'  The JunkFile.tmp files is deleted; program is exiting



Mendapatkan atau mengatur jenis perubahan yang terjadi.


Mendapatkan atau mengatur nama file atau direktori yang berubah.


Mendapatkan atau mengatur nama asli file atau direktori yang diganti namanya.


Mendapatkan atau menetapkan nilai yang menunjukkan apakah waktu operasi tunggu habis.

Berlaku untuk

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