StorageLibrary.AreFolderSuggestionsAvailableAsync Metode


Menentukan apakah ada saran untuk menambahkan folder yang ada dengan konten ke StorageLibrary.

 virtual IAsyncOperation<bool> ^ AreFolderSuggestionsAvailableAsync() = AreFolderSuggestionsAvailableAsync;
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.RemoteAsync]
IAsyncOperation<bool> AreFolderSuggestionsAvailableAsync();
public IAsyncOperation<bool> AreFolderSuggestionsAvailableAsync();
function areFolderSuggestionsAvailableAsync()
Public Function AreFolderSuggestionsAvailableAsync () As IAsyncOperation(Of Boolean)


True jika ada saran folder; Salah jika tidak


Persyaratan Windows

Rangkaian perangkat
Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (diperkenalkan dalam 10.0.16299.0)
API contract
Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract (diperkenalkan dalam v5.0)


Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menentukan apakah ada folder yang disarankan dengan konten yang dapat ditambahkan ke pustaka Gambar Anda.

private async Task<StorageLibrary> SetupPicturesLibraryAsync()
    if (this.picturesLibrary == null)
        this.picturesLibrary = await StorageLibrary.GetLibraryAsync(KnownLibraryId.Pictures);
        this.picturesLibrary.DefinitionChanged += PicturesLibrary_DefinitionChanged;
    return this.picturesLibrary;

private async void CheckForFolderSuggestions_Clicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    var library = await SetupPicturesLibraryAsync();

    if (await library.AreFolderSuggestionsAvailableAsync())
        // There are new folders that could be added to the library.
        // Prompt the user to add one or more of them. 

        // Note that the RequestAddFolderAsync method returns only one folder.
        // If the user adds multiple folders, only one will be returned.
        // In this example, to keep track of all the added folders, the app can subscribe to the
        // StorageLibrary.DefinitionChanged event by awaiting library.RequestAddFolderAsync();

        // Launch the folder suggestion dialog
        var folder = await library.RequestAddFolderAsync(); 

private void PicturesLibrary_DefinitionChanged(StorageLibrary sender, object args)
    foreach (StorageFolder folder in sender.Folders)
        // Do something with every folder in the library


Jangan lupa untuk menyertakan kemampuan picturesLibrary dalam manifes paket aplikasi Anda. Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang Kemampuan dalam manifes, lihat Deklarasi kemampuan aplikasi.


Jika fitur ini tidak didukung pada versi Windows Anda, metode akan mengembalikan false.

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