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VsFramePropID Enum



public enum class VsFramePropID
public enum class VsFramePropID
enum VsFramePropID
public enum VsFramePropID
type VsFramePropID = 
Public Enum VsFramePropID


AltDocData -4013

If this window is only editing a piece of a larger document then AltDocData is the DocData object for the piece of the document that is being edited within the window, whereas the RDTDocData is the DocData object for the entire document registered in the RDT. AltDocData objects are not registered in the RDT. Document windows that have AltDocData objects are created using the CDW_fAltDocData flag.

BitmapIndex -5007

The index of the image to use in the bitmap strip for the window frame icon.

BitmapResource -5006

The resource number of the bitmap in a satellite DLL.

Caption -3004

The full window caption.

CmdUIGuid -4007

The GUID used to control visibility of toolbars and AutoVisible tool windows.

CreateDocWinFlags -4008

The __VSCREATEDOCWIN flags passed to CreateDocumentWindow(UInt32, String, IVsUIHierarchy, UInt32, IntPtr, IntPtr, Guid, String, Guid, IServiceProvider, String, String, Int32[], IVsWindowFrame).

CreateToolWinFlags -5002

The __VSCREATETOOLWIN flags passed to CreateToolWindow(UInt32, UInt32, Object, Guid, Guid, Guid, IServiceProvider, String, Int32[], IVsWindowFrame).

DocCookie -4000

The IVsRunningDocumentTable (RDT) key.

DocData -4004

The document frame returns AltDocData if it is available, otherwise it returns RDTDocData.

DocView -3001

The object that fills the client area of a window.

DontAutoOpen -5022

A window should be reopened when a solution is opened (the default is false).

EditorCaption -4002

The portion of the caption defined by the editor implementation.

ExtWindowObject -5003

Returns the Environment's "Window" automation IDispatch object.

FrameMode -3008

Controls the display mode of a tools window.

GuidAutoActivate -5001

Obsolete. Do not use.

guidEditorType -4009

The guidEditorType that uniquely identifies which IVsEditorFactory created the document.

GuidPersistenceSlot -5000

The GUID that uniquely identifies a tool window type.

HideToolwinContainer -5009

The tool window's container is hidden when saving a data file.

Hierarchy -4005

The owning IVsHierarchy.

Icon -5012

An actual handle to an icon (HICON) resource is retrieved if the document has one.

InheritKeyBindings -4011

The GUID most often used by a window to inherit the key bindings of the text editor (for example, pFrame->SetGuidProperty(VSFPROPID_InheritKeyBindings, CMDUIGUID_TextEditor)).

IsPinned -5021

Indicates whether a window is pinned. If true, the window is pinned.

IsProvisional -5020

A tri-state value indicating whether a window is provisional.

IsSearchEnabled -5018

Returns whether the window supports search (an IVsWindowSearchHost was created and associated with the frame, the search was setup with the host, and the search is enabled by the provider).

IsWindowTabbed -3009

Indicates if the window is not tabbed (returns 0), is tabbed and is an active tab (returns 1), or is tabbed and is not an active tab (returns 2). Document windows always return 0.

ItemID -4006

The VSITEMID of the document.

MDIContainerID -5010

The identifier of the container (tab) group for the multiple-document interface (MDI) window.

MultiInstanceToolNum -5004

The identifier of a multi-instance tool window.

NavigationInterface -5015

The navigation delegate for this frame.

NextCloneID -5016

The next instance identifier available among sibling clones.

NotifyOnActivate -5011

Indicates whether to send the FRAMESHOW_WinActivated notification when a window is activated. If true, the notification is sent.

OLEDocObjectDocument -4015

Indicates if the pane is holding an OLE document object.

OverrideCaption -5023

Overrides the generated caption for this frame. A null value restores the default behavior.

OverrideDirtyState -4014

The tri-state value used to control the dirty star (*) in a window caption.

OverrideToolTip -5024

Overrides the generated tooltip for this frame. A null value restores the default behavior.

OwnerCaption -4001

The portion of the caption defined by the owner IVsHierarchy.

ParentFrame -4017

The IVsWindowFrame of the parent container for an OwnerDocked window.

ParentHwnd -4016

The handle to a window (HWND) parent of an OwnerDocked window.

pszMkDocument -4003

The path to the document (pszMkDocument) passed to CreateDocumentWindow(UInt32, String, IVsUIHierarchy, UInt32, IntPtr, IntPtr, Guid, String, Guid, IServiceProvider, String, String, Int32[], IVsWindowFrame).

pszPhysicalView -4010

The type of window created by the IVsEditorFactory (for example, "Form").

RDTDocData -4012

The DocData registered in the running document table (RDT) for the document in this frame.

ReplaceDocumentToolbars -5025

Indicates whether any toolbars that are specific to the currently-active document should be hidden. A value of true indicates that when the tool window is active, any toolbars that are specific to the currently active document should be hidden. The default is false. This property only has an effect when the tool window also supplies a CmdUI GUID using the VSFPROPID_CmdUIGuid property. This property is used only for tool windows.

SearchHost -5017

Retrieves the IVsWindowSearchHost associated with the window or creates a search host for a search control with shell-owned positioning in the top frame area.

SearchPlacement -5019

The search control placement values from __VSSEARCHPLACEMENT.

ShortCaption -3012

The partial window caption.

SPFrame -3002

An IServiceProvider that is the site object for the DocView object.

SPProjContext -3003

The IServiceProvider provided by the owning IVsHierarchy.

TabImage -5013

A handle to a bitmap (HBITMAP) for the image to be displayed on a tab for this frame (the caller must cache and release this object).

Thumbnail -5014

A handle to a bitmap (HBITMAP) thumbnail of the contents of the frame.

ToolbarHost -5008

The IVsToolWindowToolbarHost used to add toolbars to a window.

ToolWindowDocCookie -4018

A pointer to the IVsRunningDocumentTable (RDT) key for the document associated with a tool window (for example, the Code Definition Window).

Type -3000

The frame type (1 for a document frame or 2 for a tool frame) of the window.

UserContext -3010

The tool window user context (IVsUserContext).

ViewHelper -3011

The property that can be set on a Helper object to override add or override interfaces. This property is normally implemented on the DocView object. ViewHelper can implement the following interfaces: IVsWindowFrameNotify, IOleCommandTarget, IVsToolboxUser, IVsDocOutlineProvider, IDocHostUIHandler, IVsBackForwardNavigation, IVsWindowView, and IVsStatusbarUser.

WindowHelpCmdText -3014

The command text for cmdidWindowHelp (for example, Help on: Help Index).

WindowHelpKeyword -3013

The keyword to be used for cmdidWindowHelp.

WindowState -3007

The current state of the window (Normal, Minimized, or Maximized).

Applies to