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Menggunakan Penembolokan di UI Automation


Dokumentasi ini ditujukan untuk pengembang .NET Framework yang ingin menggunakan kelas UI Automation terkelola yang ditentukan pada namespace System.Windows.Automation. Untuk informasi terbaru tentang UI Automation, lihat API Automasi Windows: Automasi Antarmuka Pengguna.

Bagian ini menunjukkan cara menerapkan penembolokan properti AutomationElement dan pola kontrol.

Mengaktifkan Permintaan Cache

  1. Buat CacheRequest.

  2. Tentukan properti dan pola untuk dicache dengan menggunakan Add.

  3. Tentukan cakupan penembolokan dengan mengatur properti TreeScope.

  4. Tentukan tampilan subtree dengan mengatur properti TreeFilter.

  5. Atur properti AutomationElementMode ke None jika Anda ingin meningkatkan efisiensi dengan tidak mengambil referensi penuh ke objek. (Ini akan membuatnya tidak mungkin untuk mengambil nilai saat ini dari objek tersebut.)

  6. Aktifkan permintaan dengan menggunakan Activate dalam blok using (Using di Microsoft Visual Basic .NET).

Setelah mendapatkan objek AutomationElement atau berlangganan peristiwa, nonaktifkan permintaan dengan menggunakan Pop (jika Push digunakan) atau dengan membuang objek yang dibuat oleh Activate. (Gunakan Activate dalam blok using (Using di Microsoft Visual Basic .NET).

Properti AutomationElement Cache

  1. Ketika CacheRequest aktif, dapatkan objek AutomationElement dengan menggunakan FindFirst atau FindAll; atau dapatkan AutomationElement sebagai sumber peristiwa yang Anda daftarkan ketika CacheRequest aktif. (Anda juga dapat membuat cache dengan meneruskan CacheRequest ke GetUpdatedCache atau salah satu metode TreeWalker.)

  2. Gunakan GetCachedPropertyValue atau ambil properti dari properti Cached dari AutomationElement.

Mendapatkan Pola Cache dan Propertinya

  1. Ketika CacheRequest aktif, dapatkan objek AutomationElement dengan menggunakan FindFirst atau FindAll; atau dapatkan AutomationElement sebagai sumber peristiwa yang Anda daftarkan ketika CacheRequest aktif. (Anda juga dapat membuat cache dengan meneruskan CacheRequest ke GetUpdatedCache atau salah satu metode TreeWalker.)

  2. Gunakan GetCachedPattern atau TryGetCachedPattern untuk mengambil pola cache.

  3. Ambil nilai properti dari properti Cached pola kontrol.

Contoh 1

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan berbagai aspek penembolokan, menggunakan Activate untuk mengaktifkan CacheRequest.

/// <summary>
/// Caches and retrieves properties for a list item by using CacheRequest.Activate.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="elementList">Element from which to retrieve a child element.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// This code demonstrates various aspects of caching. It is not intended to be
/// an example of a useful method.
/// </remarks>
private void CachePropertiesByActivate(AutomationElement elementList)
    AutomationElement elementListItem;

    // Set up the request.
    CacheRequest cacheRequest = new CacheRequest();

    // Obtain an element and cache the requested items.
    using (cacheRequest.Activate())
        Condition cond = new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.IsSelectionItemPatternAvailableProperty, true);
        elementListItem = elementList.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, cond);
    // The CacheRequest is now inactive.

    // Retrieve the cached property and pattern.
    SelectionItemPattern pattern;
    String itemName;
        itemName = elementListItem.Cached.Name;
        pattern = elementListItem.GetCachedPattern(SelectionItemPattern.Pattern) as SelectionItemPattern;
    catch (InvalidOperationException)
        Console.WriteLine("Object was not in cache.");
    // Alternatively, you can use TryGetCachedPattern to retrieve the cached pattern.
    object cachedPattern;
    if (true == elementListItem.TryGetCachedPattern(SelectionItemPattern.Pattern, out cachedPattern))
        pattern = cachedPattern as SelectionItemPattern;

    // Specified pattern properties are also in the cache.
    AutomationElement parentList = pattern.Cached.SelectionContainer;

    // The following line will raise an exception, because the HelpText property was not cached.
    /*** String itemHelp = elementListItem.Cached.HelpText; ***/

    // Similarly, pattern properties that were not specified in the CacheRequest cannot be
    // retrieved from the cache. This would raise an exception.
    /*** bool selected = pattern.Cached.IsSelected; ***/

    // This is still a valid call, even though the property is in the cache.
    // Of course, the cached value and the current value are not guaranteed to be the same.
    itemName = elementListItem.Current.Name;
''' <summary>
''' Caches and retrieves properties for a list item by using CacheRequest.Activate.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="elementList">Element from which to retrieve a child element.</param>
''' <remarks>
''' This code demonstrates various aspects of caching. It is not intended to be 
''' an example of a useful method.
''' </remarks>
Private Sub CachePropertiesByActivate(ByVal elementList As AutomationElement)

    ' Set up the request.
    Dim myCacheRequest As New CacheRequest()

    Dim elementListItem As AutomationElement

    ' Obtain an element and cache the requested items.
    Using myCacheRequest.Activate()
        Dim myCondition As New PropertyCondition( _
            AutomationElement.IsSelectionItemPatternAvailableProperty, True)
        elementListItem = elementList.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, myCondition)
    End Using

    ' The CacheRequest is now inactive.
    ' Retrieve the cached property and pattern.
    Dim pattern As SelectionItemPattern
    Dim itemName As String
        itemName = elementListItem.Cached.Name
        pattern = DirectCast(elementListItem.GetCachedPattern(SelectionItemPattern.Pattern), _
    Catch ex As InvalidOperationException
        Console.WriteLine("Object was not in cache.")
    End Try
    ' Alternatively, you can use TryGetCachedPattern to retrieve the cached pattern.
    Dim cachedPattern As Object = Nothing
    If True = elementListItem.TryGetCachedPattern(SelectionItemPattern.Pattern, cachedPattern) Then
        pattern = DirectCast(cachedPattern, SelectionItemPattern)
    End If

    ' Specified pattern properties are also in the cache.
    Dim parentList As AutomationElement = pattern.Cached.SelectionContainer

    ' The following line will raise an exception, because the HelpText property was not cached.
    '** String itemHelp = elementListItem.Cached.HelpText; **

    ' Similarly, pattern properties that were not specified in the CacheRequest cannot be 
    ' retrieved from the cache. This would raise an exception.
    '** bool selected = pattern.Cached.IsSelected; **

    ' This is still a valid call, even though the property is in the cache.
    ' Of course, the cached value and the current value are not guaranteed to be the same.
    itemName = elementListItem.Current.Name
End Sub

Contoh 2

Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan berbagai aspek penembolokan, menggunakan Push untuk mengaktifkan CacheRequest. Kecuali ketika Anda ingin menyarangkan permintaan cache, lebih baik menggunakan Activate.

/// <summary>
/// Caches and retrieves properties for a list item by using CacheRequest.Push.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="autoElement">Element from which to retrieve a child element.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// This code demonstrates various aspects of caching. It is not intended to be
/// an example of a useful method.
/// </remarks>
private void CachePropertiesByPush(AutomationElement elementList)
    // Set up the request.
    CacheRequest cacheRequest = new CacheRequest();

    // Do not get a full reference to the cached objects, only to their cached properties and patterns.
    cacheRequest.AutomationElementMode = AutomationElementMode.None;

    // Cache all elements, regardless of whether they are control or content elements.
    cacheRequest.TreeFilter = Automation.RawViewCondition;

    // Property and pattern to cache.

    // Activate the request.

    // Obtain an element and cache the requested items.
    Condition cond = new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.IsSelectionItemPatternAvailableProperty, true);
    AutomationElement elementListItem = elementList.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, cond);

    // At this point, you could call another method that creates a CacheRequest and calls Push/Pop.
    // While that method was retrieving automation elements, the CacheRequest set in this method
    // would not be active.

    // Deactivate the request.

    // Retrieve the cached property and pattern.
    String itemName = elementListItem.Cached.Name;
    SelectionItemPattern pattern = elementListItem.GetCachedPattern(SelectionItemPattern.Pattern) as SelectionItemPattern;

    // The following is an alternative way of retrieving the Name property.
    itemName = elementListItem.GetCachedPropertyValue(AutomationElement.NameProperty) as String;

    // This is yet another way, which returns AutomationElement.NotSupported if the element does
    // not supply a value. If the second parameter is false, a default name is returned.
    object objName = elementListItem.GetCachedPropertyValue(AutomationElement.NameProperty, true);
    if (objName == AutomationElement.NotSupported)
        itemName = "Unknown";
        itemName = objName as String;

    // The following call raises an exception, because only the cached properties are available,
    //  as specified by cacheRequest.AutomationElementMode. If AutomationElementMode had its
    //  default value (Full), this call would be valid.
    /*** bool enabled = elementListItem.Current.IsEnabled; ***/
''' <summary>
''' Caches and retrieves properties for a list item by using CacheRequest.Push.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="elementList">Element from which to retrieve a child element.</param>
''' <remarks>
''' This code demonstrates various aspects of caching. It is not intended to be 
''' an example of a useful method.
''' </remarks>
Private Sub CachePropertiesByPush(ByVal elementList As AutomationElement)
    ' Set up the request.
    Dim cacheRequest As New CacheRequest()

    ' Do not get a full reference to the cached objects, only to their cached properties and patterns.
    cacheRequest.AutomationElementMode = AutomationElementMode.None

    ' Cache all elements, regardless of whether they are control or content elements.
    cacheRequest.TreeFilter = Automation.RawViewCondition

    ' Property and pattern to cache.

    ' Activate the request.

    ' Obtain an element and cache the requested items.
    Dim myCondition As New PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.IsSelectionItemPatternAvailableProperty, _
    Dim elementListItem As AutomationElement = elementList.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, myCondition)

    ' At this point, you could call another method that creates a CacheRequest and calls Push/Pop.
    ' While that method was retrieving automation elements, the CacheRequest set in this method 
    ' would not be active. 
    ' Deactivate the request.

    ' Retrieve the cached property and pattern.
    Dim itemName As String = elementListItem.Cached.Name
    Dim pattern As SelectionItemPattern = _
        DirectCast(elementListItem.GetCachedPattern(SelectionItemPattern.Pattern), SelectionItemPattern)

    ' The following is an alternative way of retrieving the Name property.
    itemName = CStr(elementListItem.GetCachedPropertyValue(AutomationElement.NameProperty))

    ' This is yet another way, which returns AutomationElement.NotSupported if the element does
    ' not supply a value. If the second parameter is false, a default name is returned.
    Dim objName As Object = elementListItem.GetCachedPropertyValue(AutomationElement.NameProperty, True)
    If objName Is AutomationElement.NotSupported Then
        itemName = "Unknown"
        itemName = CStr(objName)
    End If
    ' The following call raises an exception, because only the cached properties are available, 
    '  as specified by cacheRequest.AutomationElementMode. If AutomationElementMode had its
    '  default value (Full), this call would be valid.
    '** bool enabled = elementListItem.Current.IsEnabled; **

End Sub

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