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Cara: Membongkar Tugas Berlapis

Anda bisa mengembalikan tugas dari metode, lalu menunggu atau melanjutkan dari tugas tersebut, seperti yang diperlihatkan dalam contoh berikut:

static Task<string> DoWorkAsync()
    return Task<String>.Factory.StartNew(() =>
        return "Work completed.";

static void StartTask()
    Task<String> t = DoWorkAsync();
Shared Function DoWorkAsync() As Task(Of String)

    Return Task(Of String).Run(Function()
                                   Return "Work completed."
                               End Function)
End Function

Shared Sub StartTask()

    Dim t As Task(Of String) = DoWorkAsync()
End Sub

Dalam contoh sebelumnya, properti Result berjenis string (String dalam Visual Basic).

Namun, dalam beberapa skenario, Anda mungkin ingin membuat tugas dalam tugas lain, lalu mengembalikan tugas berlapis. Dalam hal ini, TResult dari tugas yang mengapit adalah tugas itu sendiri. Dalam contoh berikut, properti Hasil adalah Task<Task<string>> dalam C# atau Task(Of Task(Of String)) di Visual Basic.

// Note the type of t and t2.
Task<Task<string>> t = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => DoWorkAsync());
Task<Task<string>> t2 = DoWorkAsync().ContinueWith((s) => DoMoreWorkAsync());

// Outputs: System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[System.String]
' Note the type of t and t2.
Dim t As Task(Of Task(Of String)) = Task.Run(Function() DoWorkAsync())
Dim t2 As Task(Of Task(Of String)) = DoWorkAsync().ContinueWith(Function(s) DoMoreWorkAsync())

' Outputs: System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[System.String]

Meskipun dimungkinkan untuk menulis kode untuk membongkar tugas luar dan mengambil tugas asli dan propertinya Result, kode semacam ini tidak mudah ditulis karena Anda harus menangani pengecualian dan juga permintaan pembatalan. Dalam situasi ini, kami sarankan Anda menggunakan salah satu metode ekstensi Unwrap, seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam contoh berikut.

// Unwrap the inner task.
Task<string> t3 = DoWorkAsync().ContinueWith((s) => DoMoreWorkAsync()).Unwrap();

// Outputs "More work completed."
' Unwrap the inner task.
Dim t3 As Task(Of String) = DoWorkAsync().ContinueWith(Function(s) DoMoreWorkAsync()).Unwrap()

' Outputs "More work completed."

Metode Unwrap ini dapat digunakan untuk mengubah salah satu Task<Task> atau Task<Task<TResult>> (Task(Of Task) atau Task(Of Task(Of TResult)) dalam Visual Basic) menjadi Task atau Task<TResult> (Task(Of TResult) dalam Visual Basic). Tugas baru sepenuhnya mewakili tugas berlapis dalam, dan menyertakan status pembatalan dan semua pengecualian.


Contoh berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakan metode ekstensi Unwrap.

namespace Unwrap
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    // A program whose only use is to demonstrate Unwrap.
    class Program
        static void Main()
            // An arbitrary threshold value.
            byte threshold = 0x40;

            // data is a Task<byte[]>
            var data = Task<byte[]>.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    return GetData();

            // We want to return a task so that we can
            // continue from it later in the program.
            // Without Unwrap: stepTwo is a Task<Task<byte[]>>
            // With Unwrap: stepTwo is a Task<byte[]>
            var stepTwo = data.ContinueWith((antecedent) =>
                    return Task<byte>.Factory.StartNew( () => Compute(antecedent.Result));

            // Without Unwrap: antecedent.Result = Task<byte>
            // and the following method will not compile.
            // With Unwrap: antecedent.Result = byte and
            // we can work directly with the result of the Compute method.
            var lastStep = stepTwo.ContinueWith( (antecedent) =>
                    if (antecedent.Result >= threshold)
                      return Task.Factory.StartNew( () =>  Console.WriteLine("Program complete. Final = 0x{0:x} threshold = 0x{1:x}", stepTwo.Result, threshold));
                        return DoSomeOtherAsynchronousWork(stepTwo.Result, threshold);

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key");

        #region Dummy_Methods
        private static byte[] GetData()
            Random rand = new Random();
            byte[] bytes = new byte[64];
            return bytes;

        static Task DoSomeOtherAsynchronousWork(int i, byte b2)
            return Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Doing more work. Value was <= threshold");
        static byte Compute(byte[] data)

            byte final = 0;
            foreach (byte item in data)
                final ^= item;
                Console.WriteLine("{0:x}", final);
            Console.WriteLine("Done computing");
            return final;
'How to: Unwrap a Task
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks

Module UnwrapATask2

    Sub Main()
        ' An arbitrary threshold value.
        Dim threshold As Byte = &H40

        ' myData is a Task(Of Byte())

        Dim myData As Task(Of Byte()) = Task.Factory.StartNew(Function()
                                                                  Return GetData()
                                                              End Function)
        ' We want to return a task so that we can
        ' continue from it later in the program.
        ' Without Unwrap: stepTwo is a Task(Of Task(Of Byte))
        ' With Unwrap: stepTwo is a Task(Of Byte)

        Dim stepTwo = myData.ContinueWith(Function(antecedent)
                                              Return Task.Factory.StartNew(Function()
                                                                               Return Compute(antecedent.Result)
                                                                           End Function)
                                          End Function).Unwrap()

        Dim lastStep = stepTwo.ContinueWith(Function(antecedent)
                                                Console.WriteLine("Result = {0}", antecedent.Result)
                                                If antecedent.Result >= threshold Then
                                                    Return Task.Factory.StartNew(Sub()
                                                                                     Console.WriteLine("Program complete. Final = &H{1:x} threshold = &H{1:x}",
                                                                                                       stepTwo.Result, threshold)
                                                                                 End Sub)
                                                    Return DoSomeOtherAsynchronousWork(stepTwo.Result, threshold)
                                                End If
                                            End Function)
        Catch ae As AggregateException
            For Each ex As Exception In ae.InnerExceptions
                Console.WriteLine(ex.Message & ex.StackTrace & ex.GetBaseException.ToString())
        End Try

        Console.WriteLine("Press any key")
    End Sub

#Region "Dummy_Methods"
    Function GetData() As Byte()
        Dim rand As Random = New Random()
        Dim bytes(64) As Byte
        Return bytes
    End Function

    Function DoSomeOtherAsynchronousWork(ByVal i As Integer, ByVal b2 As Byte) As Task
        Return Task.Factory.StartNew(Sub()
                                         Console.WriteLine("Doing more work. Value was <= threshold.")
                                     End Sub)
    End Function

    Function Compute(ByVal d As Byte()) As Byte
        Dim final As Byte = 0
        For Each item As Byte In d
            final = final Xor item
            Console.WriteLine("{0:x}", final)
        Console.WriteLine("Done computing")
        Return final
    End Function
#End Region
End Module

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