Learning Power BI content

This article describes the Learning Microsoft Power BI content.

Reports that are included in the Power BI content

The reports that are included in the Learning Power BI content have both charts and tables that contain additional information. The following table describes the reports.

Report Contents
Learning Overview Summary of other reports
Course Analysis Registration by location, attendee by status, courses by type per company, and course attendance by jobĀ 
Registration Analysis Registration list
Course Types Course types by skill
Instructor Analysis Ratio of courses to instructors, number of instructors, courses by instructor, courses per instructor, and course agenda by instructor
Courses Offered List of courses
Courses Design Course agenda

You can filter the charts and tiles on these reports, and pin the charts and tiles to the dashboard. For more information about how to filter and pin in Power BI, see Create and Configure A Dashboard.

Understanding the data model and entities

The following data is used to fill the reports in the Learning Power BI content. This table shows the entities that the content was based on.

Entity Contents Relationships with other entities
Calendar Offset Calendar offsets to slice reports Course Agenda, Course Attendees
Company Companies to filter reports by Course Agenda, Course Attendees
Course Course, description, instructor name, location, room, and status Course Agenda, Course Attendees, Course Skill
Course Agenda Agenda, course, and start and end times Company, Calendar Offset, Date, Course
Course Attendees Name, status, job, and registration date Company, Calendar Offset, Date, Course, Demographics, Employment, Course, Employee Name, Employee Title, Job, Position
Course Skill Skill, skill type, and level Course
Date Days, weeks, months, and years Course Agenda, Course Attendees
Demographics Date of birth, gender, ethnic origin, and marital status Course Agenda, Course Attendees
Employment Start date, end date, and transition date Course Agenda, Course Attendees
Job Function, type, and title Course Agenda, Course Attendees
Position Position, title, and full-time equivalent (FTE) Course Agenda, Course Attendees
Employee Name First name, last name, and full name Course Attendees
Employee Title Title and seniority date Course Attendees