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Announcing Delivery Optimization Insights for Windows Analytics: Update Compliance

We are pleased to announce public preview for Delivery Optimization Insights in Windows Analytics: Update Compliance! These new insights are focused around understanding bandwidth savings by using Delivery Optimization, an in-box Windows 10 feature for reducing bandwidth consumption. IT Administrators can utilize the bandwidth savings of Delivery Optimization to reduce bandwidth costs and load on their network, and now have the insights to see the exact impact being made.

Delivery Optimization Insights allows IT pros to view how much bandwidth they've saved over the past 28 days, as well as a breakdown of:

  • Their device configuration settings for Delivery Optimization
  • The percentage of bandwidth savings by content type (Windows 10 updates, drivers, apps, etc.)
  • Bandwidth savings amount (bytes) for each content type

Existing users of Update Compliance will see Delivery Optimization appear in their solution automatically.

For more information, check out the Delivery Optimization Insights documentation.