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Rollup records related to a specific record

This sample shows how to roll up opportunities by the parent account.

How to run this sample

See How to run samples for information about how to run this sample.

What this sample does

The RollupRequest message is intended to be used in a scenario where it contains data that is needed to create a roll up request.

How this sample works

In order to simulate the scenario described in What this sample does, the sample will do the following:


  1. Checks for the current version of the org.
  2. Creates sample account and opportunity records.


  1. The QueryExpression queries the opportunities by parent account.
  2. The RollupRequest creates the roll up request.

Clean up

Display an option to delete the records in Setup. The deletion is optional in case you want to examine the entities and data created by the sample. You can manually delete the records to achieve the same result.