
Class SPXDialogServiceConnectorActivityReceivedEventArgs


@class SPXDialogServiceConnectorActivityReceivedEventArgs : NSObject;


The object type that encapsulates the response data that originates from the dialog implementation used by a DialogServiceConnector. Activities may be sent by a dialog implementation at any time during a connection and there may be a many-to-one relationship between activities received and input utterances.



@property (readonly, copy, atomic) NSString * _Nonnull activity;

Gets a serialized JSON object that represents the activity payload sent by the dialog implementation that a DialogServiceConnector communicates with. This data is originated from the dialog implementation and both the schema and contents of the document are determined by the sender.


@property (readonly, atomic) bool hasAudio;

Gets a value indicating whether this activity payload includes an audio stream from the text-to-speech service. If such a stream is present, it can be retrieved via the audio property.

If there is no audio data associated with this activity payload, hasAudio will be false and audio will be nil.


@property (readonly, copy, atomic) SPXPullAudioOutputStream * _Nonnull audio;

Gets a PullAudioOutputStream associated with this activity, as produced by the text-to-speech service. This stream is populated as data arrives and may not contain all synthesized audio when the activity arrives.

If there is no audio data associated with this activity payload, hasAudio will be false and audio will be nil.