
IMethodCallMessage インターフェイス


この型のすべてのメンバの一覧については、IMethodCallMessage メンバ を参照してください。

Public Interface IMethodCallMessage
   Inherits IMethodMessage, IMessage
public interface IMethodCallMessage : IMethodMessage, IMessage
public __gc __interface IMethodCallMessage : public IMethodMessage,
public interface IMethodCallMessage implements IMethodMessage,


IMethodCallMessage は、リモート オブジェクトに対して呼び出されたメソッドの結果として生成され、そのリモートのメソッド呼び出しに関する詳細な情報をサーバー側に転送するために使用されます。


Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging

Namespace IMethodCallMessageNS

   ' MyProxy extends the CLR Remoting RealProxy.
   ' In the same class, in the Invoke method, we demonstrate the
   ' methods and properties of the IMethodCallMessage.

   Public Class MyProxy
      Inherits RealProxy

      Public Sub New(ByVal myType As Type)
         ' This constructor forwards the call to base RealProxy.
         ' RealProxy uses the Type to generate a transparent proxy.
      End Sub 'New

      Public Overrides Function Invoke(ByVal myIMessage As IMessage) As IMessage
         Console.WriteLine("MyProxy.Invoke Start")

         If TypeOf myIMessage Is IMethodCallMessage Then
            Console.WriteLine("Message is of type 'IMethodCallMessage'.")

            Dim myIMethodCallMessage As IMethodCallMessage
            myIMethodCallMessage = CType(myIMessage, IMethodCallMessage)

            Console.WriteLine("InArgCount is : " + myIMethodCallMessage.InArgCount.ToString)
            Dim myObj As Object
            For Each myObj In myIMethodCallMessage.InArgs
               Console.WriteLine("InArgs is : " + myObj.ToString())

            Dim i As Integer
            For i = 0 To myIMethodCallMessage.InArgCount - 1
               Console.WriteLine("GetArgName(" + i.ToString() + ") is : " + myIMethodCallMessage.GetArgName(i))
               Console.WriteLine("GetInArg(" + i.ToString() + ") is : " + myIMethodCallMessage.GetInArg(i).ToString)
            Next i

         ElseIf TypeOf myIMessage Is IMethodReturnMessage Then
            Console.WriteLine("Message is of type 'IMethodReturnMessage'.")
         End If

         ' Build Return Message
         Dim myReturnMessage As New ReturnMessage(5, Nothing, 0, Nothing, _
                                    CType(myIMessage, IMethodCallMessage))

         Console.WriteLine("MyProxy.Invoke - Finish")
         Return myReturnMessage

      End Function 'Invoke

   End Class 'MyProxy

   ' The class used to obtain Metadata.
   Public Class MyMarshalByRefClass
      Inherits MarshalByRefObject

      Public Function MyMethod(ByVal str As String, ByVal dbl As Double, ByVal i As Integer) As Integer
         Console.WriteLine("MyMarshalByRefClass.MyMethod {0} {1} {2}", str, dbl, i)
         Return 0
      End Function 'MyMethod
   End Class 'MyMarshalByRefClass

   ' Main class that drives the whole sample.
   Public Class ProxySample

      Shared Sub Main()
         Console.WriteLine("Generate a new MyProxy.")
         Dim myProxy As New MyProxy(GetType(MyMarshalByRefClass))

         Console.WriteLine("Obtain the transparent proxy from myProxy.")
         Dim myMarshalByRefClassObj As MyMarshalByRefClass = _
                        CType(myProxy.GetTransparentProxy(), MyMarshalByRefClass)

         Console.WriteLine("Calling the Proxy.")
         Dim myReturnValue As Object = myMarshalByRefClassObj.MyMethod("Microsoft", 1.2, 6)

         Console.WriteLine("Sample Done.")
      End Sub 'Main
   End Class 'ProxySample
End Namespace 'IMethodCallMessageNS

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;

namespace IMethodCallMessageNS
   // MyProxy extends the CLR Remoting RealProxy.
   // In the same class, in the Invoke method, the methods and properties of the 
   // IMethodCallMessage are demonstrated.

   public class MyProxy : RealProxy
      public MyProxy(Type myType) : base(myType)
         // This constructor forwards the call to base RealProxy.
         // RealProxy uses the Type to generate a transparent proxy.

      public override IMessage Invoke(IMessage myIMessage)
         Console.WriteLine("MyProxy.Invoke Start");
         ReturnMessage myReturnMessage = null;
         if (myIMessage is IMethodCallMessage)
            Console.WriteLine("Message is of type 'IMethodCallMessage'.");

            IMethodCallMessage myIMethodCallMessage;
            Console.WriteLine("InArgCount is  : " + 
            foreach (object myObj in myIMethodCallMessage.InArgs)
               Console.WriteLine("InArgs is : " + myObj.ToString());

            for(int i=0; i<myIMethodCallMessage.InArgCount; i++)
               Console.WriteLine("GetArgName(" +i.ToString() +") is : " + 
               Console.WriteLine("GetInArg("+i.ToString() +") is : " +
         else if (myIMessage is IMethodReturnMessage)
            Console.WriteLine("Message is of type 'IMethodReturnMessage'.");
         // Build Return Message
         myReturnMessage = new ReturnMessage(5,null,0,null,
         Console.WriteLine("MyProxy.Invoke - Finish");
         return myReturnMessage;

   // The class used to obtain Metadata.
   public class MyMarshalByRefClass : MarshalByRefObject
      public int MyMethod(string str, double dbl, int i)
         Console.WriteLine("MyMarshalByRefClass.MyMethod {0} {1} {2}", str, dbl, i);
         return 0;
   // Main class that drives the whole sample.
   public class ProxySample
      public static void Main()
         Console.WriteLine("Generate a new MyProxy.");
         MyProxy myProxy = new MyProxy(typeof(MyMarshalByRefClass));

         Console.WriteLine("Obtain the transparent proxy from myProxy.");
         MyMarshalByRefClass myMarshalByRefClassObj = 

         Console.WriteLine("Calling the Proxy.");
         object myReturnValue = myMarshalByRefClassObj.MyMethod("Microsoft", 1.2, 6);
         Console.WriteLine("Sample Done.");

#using <mscorlib.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Runtime::Remoting;
using namespace System::Runtime::Remoting::Proxies;
using namespace System::Runtime::Remoting::Messaging;

    // MyProxy extends the CLR Remoting RealProxy.
    // In the same class, in the Invoke method, the methods and properties of the 
    // IMethodCallMessage are demonstrated.

public __gc class MyProxy : public RealProxy 
    MyProxy(Type* myType) : RealProxy(myType) 
        // This constructor forwards the call to base RealProxy.
        // RealProxy uses the Type to generate a transparent proxy.

    IMessage* Invoke(IMessage* myIMessage) 
        Console::WriteLine(S"MyProxy::Invoke Start");
        ReturnMessage* myReturnMessage = 0;

        if (dynamic_cast<IMethodCallMessage*>(myIMessage)) 
            Console::WriteLine(S"Message is of type 'IMethodCallMessage*'.");

            IMethodCallMessage* myIMethodCallMessage;
            myIMethodCallMessage = dynamic_cast<IMethodCallMessage*>(myIMessage);
            Console::WriteLine(S"InArgCount is  : {0}", __box(myIMethodCallMessage->InArgCount));

            IEnumerator* myEnum = myIMethodCallMessage->InArgs->GetEnumerator();
            while (myEnum->MoveNext()) 
                Object* myObj = __try_cast<Object*>(myEnum->Current);

                Console::WriteLine(S"InArgs is : {0}", myObj);

            for (int i=0; i<myIMethodCallMessage->InArgCount; i++) 
                Console::WriteLine(S"GetArgName({0}) is : {1}", __box(i), myIMethodCallMessage->GetArgName(i));
                Console::WriteLine(S"GetInArg({0}) is : {0}", __box(i), myIMethodCallMessage->GetInArg(i));
        else if (dynamic_cast<IMethodReturnMessage*>(myIMessage))
            Console::WriteLine(S"Message is of type 'IMethodReturnMessage*'.");

        // Build Return Message 
        myReturnMessage = new ReturnMessage( __box(5), 0, 0, 0, dynamic_cast<IMethodCallMessage*>(myIMessage));

        Console::WriteLine(S"MyProxy::Invoke - Finish");
        return myReturnMessage;

// The class used to obtain Metadata.
public __gc class MyMarshalByRefClass : public MarshalByRefObject 
    int MyMethod(String* str, double dbl, int i) 
        Console::WriteLine(S"MyMarshalByRefClass::MyMethod {0} {1} {2}", str, __box(dbl), __box(i));
        return 0;

// Main routine that drives the whole sample.
int main() 
    Console::WriteLine(S"Generate a new MyProxy.");
    MyProxy* myProxy = new MyProxy(__typeof(MyMarshalByRefClass));

    Console::WriteLine(S"Obtain the transparent proxy from myProxy.");
    MyMarshalByRefClass* myMarshalByRefClassObj = 

    Console::WriteLine(S"Calling the Proxy.");
    Object* myReturnValue = __box(myMarshalByRefClassObj->MyMethod(S"Microsoft", 1.2, 6));

    Console::WriteLine(S"Sample Done.");
    return 0;

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名前空間: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging

プラットフォーム: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 ファミリ

アセンブリ: Mscorlib (Mscorlib.dll 内)


IMethodCallMessage メンバ | System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging 名前空間