
How to access the Dashboard

Updated: March 30, 2011

Applies To: Windows Home Server 2011

You can access the Windows Home Server 2011 Dashboard by using of one of following methods. The method you choose depends on whether you are accessing the dashboard from the server, from a computer that is connected to the Windows Home Server 2011 network, or from a remote computer.

  • Access the Dashboard from the server

  • Access the Dashboard from a computer that is connected to the network

  • Access the Dashboard from a remote computer

Access the Dashboard from the server

When you install Windows Home Server 2011, the setup process creates a shortcut to the Dashboard at the following locations:

  • On the desktop

  • On the Start menu

  • In the Windows Home Server 2011 folder under All Programs

To access the Dashboard from the server

  • Click the Start button, click All Programs, and then click Dashboard.


    If a shortcut to the Dashboard does not appear when you click All Programs, type Dashboard in the Search box, and then press ENTER.

Access the Dashboard from a computer that is connected to the network

After you join a computer to the network, administrators can use the Windows Home Server 2011 Launchpad to access the Server Dashboard from the computer.

To access the Dashboard by using the Launchpad

  1. From a computer that is joined to the network, click the Start button, and then click Launchpad.

  2. On the Launchpad Sign in page, type your username and password, and then press ENTER.

  3. On the Launchpad menu, click Dashboard.

  4. On the Dashboard Sign in page, type the home server password, and then press ENTER.

    A remote desktop connection to the Windows Home Server 2011 Dashboard opens.

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Access the Dashboard from a remote computer

When you are working from a remote computer, you can access the Windows Home Server 2011 Dashboard by using the Remote Web Access site.

To access the Dashboard by using the Remote Web Access site

  1. From the remote computer, open an Internet browser, such as Internet Explorer.

  2. In the Internet browser address bar, type the Remote Web Access address of your server.

  3. Type your username and password to log on to Remote Web Access site.

  4. In the Computers section of the Remote Web Access Home page; locate your home server, and then click Connect.

    A remote desktop connection to the Windows Home Server 2011 Dashboard opens.


    If your home server does not appear in the Computers section of the Home page, click Connect to more computers, find your server in the list, and then click the server to connect to it. To give a user permission to access the Dashboard from the Remote Web Access site, open the Properties page for the user account, and then select the Server Dashboard option on the Remote Web Access tab.

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