
LensBlurCustomKernel Members

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Include Inherited Members

The LensBlurCustomKernel type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method LensBlurCustomKernel()
Creates and initializes a new empty LensBlurCustomKernel.
Public method LensBlurCustomKernel(IImageProvider)
Creates and initializes a new LensBlurCustomKernel with a custom shape.
Public method LensBlurCustomKernel(IImageProvider, UInt32)
Creates and initializes a new LensBlurCustomKernel with a custom shape and a size.


  Name Description
Public property PointLightStrength
Deprecated: This property is deprecated and will be removed in the next version. Please use the property "PointLightStrength" on LensBlurEffect instead.
Public property Shape
Image representation of the kernel used for blurring.
Public property Size
The length of a side of the square of the kernel used. Range [0, 250].

See Also

LensBlurCustomKernel Class

Lumia.Imaging.Adjustments Namespace