
HueSaturationLightnessFilter Members

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Include Inherited Members

The HueSaturationLightnessFilter type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method HueSaturationLightnessFilter
Creates and initializes a HueSaturationLightness filter.


  Name Description
Public method Apply
Internal framework method.
Public method Lock
Internal framework method.
Public method PrepareAsync
Internal framework method.


  Name Description
Public property HueCurve
Mapping curve for hue. The x-axis refers to original hue, and the y-values describe the new hue. The x-axis has a range [0, 255] that corresponds to the hue range [0, 359]. Acceptable y-values are in the range [0,510]. Set to null if Hue should not be adjusted. The default is null.
Public property LightnessCurve
Offset curve for lightness. The x-axis refers to hue, and the y-values are signed offsets describing whether to raise or lower the lightness of particular hues. The x-axis has a range [0, 255] that corresponds to the hue range [0, 359]. Acceptable y-values are in the range [-255,255]. Set to null if Lightness should not be adjusted. The default is null.
Public property SaturationCurve
Offset curve for saturation. The x-axis refers to hue, and the y-values are signed offsets describing whether to raise or lower the saturation of particular hues. The x-axis has a range [0, 255] that corresponds to the hue range [0, 359]. Acceptable y-values are in the range [-255,255]. Set to null if Saturation should not be adjusted. The default is null.

See Also

HueSaturationLightnessFilter Class

Lumia.Imaging.Adjustments Namespace