
LensBlurFocusEdgeSoftening Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

The LensBlurFocusEdgeSoftening type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method LensBlurFocusEdgeSoftening(Int32)
Create a LensBlurFocusEdgeSoftening setting that will provide the exact number used by LensBlurEffect, measured in pixels.
Public method LensBlurFocusEdgeSoftening(LensBlurFocusEdgeSofteningMode)
Create a LensBlurFocusEdgeSoftening setting that will allow LensBlurEffect to compute the appropriate focus edge softening value given the chosen mode.


  Name Description
Public method ToString
Returns a string representation of the object.

See Also

LensBlurFocusEdgeSoftening Class

Lumia.Imaging.Adjustments Namespace