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Q# Standard Library

This folder defines the standard library for Q# that is included with the compiler and available to programs by default. The library scope and contents are not identical to the legacy libraries available from the QuantumLibraries repository, but rather tailored for the new stack and adjusted for broader hardware compatibility.

Design Philosophies and Assumptions

File Layout

Files in the library match the contained namespace. This makes it easier to find defined items from the fully-qualified name. While Q# (currently) allows defining namespace items across multiple files, this should be avoided here for consistency.

Body Intrinsic Callables

Unless otherwise noted, callables that are defined as body intrinsic are generated into external declarations in QIR with exact callable name and signature matches. The containing namespace is not included in the generated name. This simplifies QIR code generation and makes correlating Q# declaration to the resulting QIR program easier. Body intrinsic callables should avoid using generics and aggregate types if possible to keep the corresponding LLVM signatures simple and increase the likelihood of hardware compatibility.

One notable exception to this is the Microsoft.Quantum.Core.Length function, which is both body intrinsic and generic across the array type. As a result, it needs special handling during monomorphization and code generation to correlate it to the right pattern for extracting length from the array structure. Open question: should this be transitioned to an operator or some other form that avoid such a prominent counterexample?

QIR Quantum Gate Instructions

The library includes a set of one- and two-qubit gates represented as __quantum__qis__*__body or __quantum__qis__*__adj QIR declarations. The expectation is that these gates form a common QIR API surface that Q# is compiled into. Any target would either need to support these quantum gate instructions natively or provide a QIR definition of that gate instruction in terms of supported native gates. These definitions can then be linked with the QIR program via LLVM tools and resolve to the target specific gate set. This approach provides broader compatibility at the QIR level and avoids the need for front end language targetting; as a result, this Q# library design is not expected to require any target packages or operation substitution.

To avoid using any opaque array types in the quantum gate instruction set, the library utilizes decomposition strategies to express the Q# controlled specialization (which allows an arbitrary number of controls) in terms of singly- and doubly-controlled gates. While this makes simulation somewhat more expensive in terms of allocating extra controls and performing more operations, it more closely matches the patterns used by hardware and provides better API surface for QIR programs to have hardware compatibility.

Doc comments

Use the following guidance when providing doc comments for functions and operations in the standard library. These doc comments are used to generate standard library documentation automatically.

Section LaTeX allowed? Mandatory? What is it for
Summary No Yes Short summary of the functionality provided.
Description Yes No Detailed explanation of the functionality provided.
Remarks Yes No General knowledge that may be useful for understanding of the functionality provided.
Type Parameters No No Description of type parameters (for each type parameter).
Input No No Description of input parameters (for each input parameter)
Output No No Description of the output.
Example No No Example(s) of use. Should be a code fragment that compiles.
References No No References to papers and other information published on the web or elsewhere.
See Also No No References to other functions of the standard library that are similar or relevant.
  • Only Summary section is mandatory. There's no need to include other sections just to repeat the information that is already stated in the summary.
  • For sections where LaTeX is not allowed, Unicode characters may be used to represent mathematical formulas even though it is not recommended in general. These sections are used in places where LaTeX rendering is not supported.
  • For sections where LaTeX is supported, unicode characters may be used to represent mathematical formulas only if the rendering fidelity is not compromised.
  • Use playground to check documentation rendering.