
UNIX/Linux 監視での昇格のための Sudoers テンプレート


このバージョンの Operations Manager はサポート終了に達しました。 Operations Manager 2022 にアップグレードすることをお勧めします。

UNIX または Linux オペレーティング システムを効果的に監視するには、監視タスクとメンテナンス タスクの両方に対して、クライアント システムに対する一部の昇格されたアクセス許可が必要です。 この記事では、ベースラインの操作性のために sudoers 構成テンプレートを提供しています。


Operations Manager での監視に sudo 対応アカウントを使用するには、sudo を使用して RunAs アカウントの昇格を承認するための構成を配置する必要があります。 sudo 昇格で Operations Manager で使用されるアカウントの一般的な要件は次のとおりです。

  • アカウントでは、既定のパラメーターとして RequireTTY が無効になっている必要があります。
  • アカウントは、NOPASSWD を使用して昇格するように構成する必要があります。
  • アカウントには、通常、ログイン時に表示される "講義" と、sudo を使用した昇格時に無効になっている "講義" が必要です。

提供されるテンプレートでは、構成された RunAs アカウントが、次のような昇格されたアクセス許可を必要とするタスクを実行できるようにするコマンドを指定します。

  • エージェントのインストール
  • エージェントのアップグレード
  • エージェントのアンインストール
  • システム ログの監視
  • エージェント サービスの再起動
  • 認証証明書の作成を容易にする


コマンドと要件は、すべての UNIX/Linux ディストリビューションまたはバージョンで同じ ではありません 。オペレーティング システムに適したテンプレートがあることを確認してください。

OS が表示されない場合 サポートされているディストリビューションについては、「 サポートされている UNIX および Linux オペレーティング システムのバージョン 」ページを参照してください。


オペレーティング システムに適したテンプレートを選択し、例のアカウントを RunAs アカウントのユーザー名に置き換えます。必要に応じて、他の組織のカスタマイズも含めます。

各テンプレートには、次のように 2 つのアカウントが定義され、標準の RunAs アカウントにマップされます。

実行アカウント ユーザー名
UNIX/Linux アクション アカウント scomuser
UNIX/Linux メンテナンス アカウント scomadm

正しいユーザー名と追加の変更で更新したら、テンプレートをクライアント システムの sudoers 構成に追加する必要があります。 通常、sudo 構成を追加するには、 または /etc/sudo.conf ファイルを (OS に応じて) 直接変更/etc/sudoersするか、 (例: ) の下/etc/sudoers.dに "drop in" ファイルを追加する方法が 2 つあります。 /etc/sudoers.d/scom この記事では、sudo 自体を完全に構成する方法については詳しく説明しません。 詳細については、ベンダーが提供する特定のオペレーティング システムに関するドキュメントを参照してください。


# Example user configuration for Operations Manager 2019
# Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomuser
# Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

# General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

# Agent maintenance
## Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem

## Install or upgrade
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].aix.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --install --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC  
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].aix.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --install --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].aix.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --install --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].aix.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC  
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].aix.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].aix.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

## Uninstall
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall

## Log file monitoring
scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

### Examples ###
## Custom shell command monitoring example – replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/ksh -c echo error

## Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron & 

# End user configuration for Operations Manager 

AIX 7.2

# Example user configuration for Operations Manager 2019
# Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomuser
# Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

# General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

# Agent maintenance
## Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem

## Install or upgrade
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].aix.[0-9].ppc.sh --install --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC  
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].aix.[0-9].ppc.sh --install --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].aix.[0-9].ppc.sh --install --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].aix.[0-9].ppc.sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC  
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].aix.[0-9].ppc.sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].aix.[0-9].ppc.sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

## Uninstall
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall

## Log file monitoring
scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

### Examples ###
## Custom shell command monitoring example – replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c echo error

## Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron & 

# End user configuration for Operations Manager 
# Example user configuration for Operations Manager 1801-1807
# Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomuser
# Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

# General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

# Agent maintenance

## Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem

## Install or upgrade
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].aix.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --install --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].aix.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

## Uninstall
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall

## Log file monitoring
scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

### Examples
## Custom shell command monitoring example - replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c  \<shell command\>

## Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron &

#Defaults logfile=/var/log/sudo.log

# End user configuration for Operations Manager 
# Example user configuration for Operations Manager 2016
# Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomuser
# Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

# General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

# Agent maintenance
## Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem

## Install or upgrade
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].aix.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --install ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].aix.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --install ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].aix.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --install ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].aix.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --upgrade --force ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].aix.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --upgrade --force ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].aix.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --upgrade --force ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

## Uninstall
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall

## Log file monitoring
scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

### Examples ###
## Custom shell command monitoring example – replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
# scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/bash -c \<shell command\>

## Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron & 

## End user configuration for Operations Manager agent


# Example user configuration for Operations Manager 1801-1807
# Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomuser
# Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

# General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

# Agent maintenance

## Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem

## Install or upgrade
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].hpux.11iv3.ia64.sh --install --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].hpux.11iv3.ia64.sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

## Uninstall
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall

## Log file monitoring
scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

### Examples ###
## Custom shell command monitoring example - replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c  \<shell command\>

## Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron &

#Defaults logfile=/var/log/sudo.log

# End user configuration for Operations Manager agent


# Example user configuration for Operations Manager 2016
# Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomuser
# Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

# General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

# Agent maintenance
## Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem

## Install or upgrade
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].hpux.11iv3.ia64.sh --install ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].hpux.11iv3.ia64.sh --install ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].hpux.11iv3.ia64.sh --install ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].hpux.11iv3.ia64.sh --upgrade --force ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].hpux.11iv3.ia64.sh --upgrade --force ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].hpux.11iv3.ia64.sh --upgrade --force ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

## Uninstall
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall

## Log file monitoring
scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

### Examples ###
## Custom shell command monitoring example – replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/bash -c \<shell command\>

## Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron & 

# End user configuration for Operations Manager agent

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)


バージョン 8 以降、Red Hat Enterprise Linux は ユニバーサル Linux に該当します。


# Example user configuration for Operations Manager 2019
# Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomuser
# Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

# General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

# Agent maintenance
## Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control; then cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsadmin.conf /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/conf/omsadmin.conf; /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control restart scom; fi

## Install or upgrade
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC  
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC  
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

## Uninstall
#scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh; then if test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l | grep scom | wc -l)" \= "1" && test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l | wc -l)" \= "1" || test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l)" \= "No Workspace"; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/uninstall; else /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -x scom; fi; else /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall; fi

## Log file monitoring
scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

### Examples ###
## Custom shell command monitoring example – replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c echo error

## Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron & 

# End user configuration for Operations Manager agent
# Example user configuration for Operations Manager 1801-1807
# Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomadm
# Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

# General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

# Agent maintenance
## Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control; then cat /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; else cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; fi
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control; then mv /tmp/scx-scomadm/scom-cert.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; fi
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -r /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; then cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; else cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx-seclevel1.pem; fi

## SCOM Workspace
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control; then cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsadmin.conf /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/conf/omsadmin.conf; /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control restart scom; fi
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi

## Install or upgrade
# Linux
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsagent-1.[0-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsagent-1.[0-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsagent-1.[0-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsagent-1.[0-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsagent-1.[0-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsagent-1.[0-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsagent-1.[0-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsagent-1.[0-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

## Uninstall
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh; then if test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l | grep scom | wc -l)" \= "1" && test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l | wc -l)" \= "1" || test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l)" \= "No Workspace"; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/uninstall; else /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -x scom; fi; else /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall; fi

## Log file monitoring
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

### Examples ###
## Custom shell command monitoring example -replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
#scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/bash -c \<shell command\>

## Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron &

# End user configuration for Operations Manager agent
# Example user configuration for Operations Manager 2016
# Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomuser
# Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

# General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

# Agent maintenance
## Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem

## Install or upgrade
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --force; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --force; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --force; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

## Uninstall
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall

## Log file monitoring
scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

### Examples ###
## Custom shell command monitoring example – replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
# scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/bash -c \<shell command\>

## Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron & 

# End user configuration for Operations Manager agent


# Example user configuration for Operations Manager 2022
# Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomuser
# Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

# General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

# Agent maintenance
## Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control; then cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsadmin.conf /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/conf/omsadmin.conf; /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control restart scom; fi

## Install or upgrade
# Compiler mitigated agent version changes
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].s.x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].s.x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

## Uninstall
#scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh; then if test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l | grep scom | wc -l)" \= "1" && test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l | wc -l)" \= "1" || test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l)" \= "No Workspace"; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/uninstall; else /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -x scom; fi; else /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall; fi

## Log file monitoring
scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

### Examples ###
## Custom shell command monitoring example – replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c echo error

## Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron & 

# End user configuration for Operations Manager agent
# Example user configuration for Operations Manager 2019
# Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomuser
# Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

# General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

# Agent maintenance
## Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control; then cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsadmin.conf /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/conf/omsadmin.conf; /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control restart scom; fi

## Install or upgrade
# Compiler mitigated agent version changes
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].s.x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC  
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].s.x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC  
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC  
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

## Uninstall
#scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh; then if test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l | grep scom | wc -l)" \= "1" && test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l | wc -l)" \= "1" || test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l)" \= "No Workspace"; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/uninstall; else /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -x scom; fi; else /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall; fi

## Log file monitoring
scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

### Examples ###
## Custom shell command monitoring example – replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c echo error

## Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron & 

# End user configuration for Operations Manager agent

Power 8 の RHEL 7.1

# Example user configuration for Operations Manager 2019
# Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomuser
# Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

# General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

# Agent maintenance
## Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control; then cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsadmin.conf /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/conf/omsadmin.conf; /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control restart scom; fi

## Install or upgrade
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC  
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC  
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

## Uninstall
#scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh; then if test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l | grep scom | wc -l)" \= "1" && test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l | wc -l)" \= "1" || test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l)" \= "No Workspace"; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/uninstall; else /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -x scom; fi; else /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall; fi

## Log file monitoring
scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

### Examples ###
## Custom shell command monitoring example – replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c echo error

## Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron & 

# End user configuration for Operations Manager agent
# Example user configuration for Operations Manager 1801-1807
# Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomadm
# Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

# General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

# Agent maintenance
## Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control; then cat /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; else cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; fi
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control; then mv /tmp/scx-scomadm/scom-cert.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; fi
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -r /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; then cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; else cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx-seclevel1.pem; fi

## SCOM Workspace
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control; then cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsadmin.conf /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/conf/omsadmin.conf; /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control restart scom; fi
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi

## Install or upgrade

# Linux
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsagent-1.[0-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsagent-1.[0-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsagent-1.[0-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsagent-1.[0-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsagent-1.[0-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsagent-1.[0-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsagent-1.[0-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsagent-1.[0-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

## Uninstall
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh; then if test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l | grep scom | wc -l)" \= "1" && test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l | wc -l)" \= "1" || test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l)" \= "No Workspace"; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/uninstall; else /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -x scom; fi; else /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall; fi

## Log file monitoring
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

### Examples ###
## Custom shell command monitoring example -replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
#scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/bash -c \<shell command\>

## Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron &

# End user configuration for Operations Manager agent

Power PC (PPC) 上の RHEL 7

# Example user configuration for Operations Manager 1801-1807
# Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomadm
# Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

# General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

# Agent maintenance
## Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control; then cat /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; else cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; fi
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control; then mv /tmp/scx-scomadm/scom-cert.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; fi
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -r /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; then cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; else cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx-seclevel1.pem; fi

## SCOM Workspace
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control; then cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsadmin.conf /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/conf/omsadmin.conf; /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control restart scom; fi
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi

## Install or upgrade
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[0-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --install --enable-opsmgr; if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[0-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --install --enable-opsmgr; if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[0-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[0-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

## Uninstall
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh; then if test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l | grep scom | wc -l)" \= "1" && test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l | wc -l)" \= "1" || test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l)" \= "No Workspace"; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/uninstall; else /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -x scom; fi; else /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall; fi

## Log file monitoring
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

### Examples ###
## Custom shell command monitoring example -replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
#scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/bash -c \<shell command\>

## Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron &

#End user configuration for Operations Manager agent
# Example user configuration for Operations Manager 2016
# Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomuser
# Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

# General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

# Agent maintenance
## Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem

## Install or upgrade
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --force; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --force; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --force; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

## Uninstall
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall

## Log file monitoring
scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

### Examples ###
## Custom shell command monitoring example – replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
# scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/bash -c \<shell command\>

## Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron & 

# End user configuration for Operations Manager agent

Power 8 の RHEL 7.1

# Example user configuration for Operations Manager 2016
# Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomuser
# Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

# General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

# Agent maintenance
## Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem

## Install or upgrade
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --install; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --install; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --install; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --upgrade --force; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --upgrade --force; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].rhel.[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --upgrade --force; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

## Uninstall
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall

## Log file monitoring
scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

### Examples ###
## Custom shell command monitoring example – replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
# scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/bash -c \<shell command\>

## Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron & 

# End user configuration for Operations Manager agent


#Example user configuration for Operations Manager 2019
#Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomuser
#Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

#General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

#Agent maintenance
##Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem

##Install or upgrade

scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].solaris.10.sparc.sh --install --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC  
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].solaris.10.sparc.sh --install --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].solaris.10.sparc.sh --install --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].solaris.10.sparc.sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC  
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].solaris.10.sparc.sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].solaris.10.sparc.sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].solaris.1[[\:digit\:]].sparc.sh --install --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC  
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].solaris.1[[\:digit\:]].sparc.sh --install --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].solaris.1[[\:digit\:]].sparc.sh --install --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].solaris.1[[\:digit\:]].sparc.sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC  
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].solaris.1[[\:digit\:]].sparc.sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].solaris.1[[\:digit\:]].sparc.sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall

##Log file monitoring
scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

#Custom shell command monitoring example – replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c echo error

#Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron & 

#End user configuration for Operations Manager agent
#Example user configuration for Operations Manager 1801-1807
#Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomuser
#Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

#General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

#Agent maintenance

##Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem

##Install or upgrade

scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].solaris.1[[\:digit\:]].x86.sh --install --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].solaris.1[[\:digit\:]].x86.sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

#SOLARIS sparc
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].solaris.1[[\:digit\:]].sparc.sh --install --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].solaris.1[[\:digit\:]].sparc.sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall

##Log file monitoring
scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

#Custom shell command monitoring example - replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c  \<shell command\>

#Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron &

#Defaults logfile=/var/log/sudo.log

#End user configuration for Operations Manager 

Solaris 10

#Example user configuration for Operations Manager 2016
#Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomuser
#Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

#General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

#Agent maintenance
##Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem

##Install or upgrade 
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].solaris.10.sparc.sh --install 
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].solaris.10.sparc.sh --install 
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].solaris.10.sparc.sh --install 
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].solaris.10.sparc.sh --upgrade --force 
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].solaris.10.sparc.sh --upgrade --force 
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].solaris.10.sparc.sh --upgrade --force 
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].solaris.10.x86.sh --install 
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].solaris.10.x86.sh --install 
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].solaris.10.x86.sh --install 
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].solaris.10.x86.sh --upgrade --force 
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].solaris.10.x86.sh --upgrade --force 
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].solaris.10.x86.sh --upgrade --force 

scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall

##Log file monitoring
scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

#Custom shell command monitoring example – replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
# scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/bash -c \<shell command\>

#Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron & 

#End user configuration for Operations Manager agent

Solaris 11

#Example user configuration for Operations Manager 2016
#Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomuser
#Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

#General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

#Agent maintenance
##Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem

##Install or upgrade 
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].solaris.1[[\:digit\:]].x86.sh --install ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].solaris.1[[\:digit\:]].x86.sh --install ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].solaris.1[[\:digit\:]].x86.sh --install ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].solaris.1[[\:digit\:]].x86.sh --upgrade --force ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].solaris.1[[\:digit\:]].x86.sh --upgrade --force ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].solaris.1[[\:digit\:]].x86.sh --upgrade --force ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].solaris.1[[\:digit\:]].sparc.sh --install ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].solaris.1[[\:digit\:]].sparc.sh --install ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].solaris.1[[\:digit\:]].sparc.sh --install ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].solaris.1[[\:digit\:]].sparc.sh --upgrade --force ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].solaris.1[[\:digit\:]].sparc.sh --upgrade --force ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].solaris.1[[\:digit\:]].sparc.sh --upgrade --force ; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall

##Log file monitoring
scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

#Custom shell command monitoring example – replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
# scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/bash -c \<shell command\>

#Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron & 

#End user configuration for Operations Manager agent

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)


バージョン 15 以降、SUSE は ユニバーサル Linux に該当します。


# Example user configuration for Operations Manager 2022
# Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomuser
# Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

# General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

# Agent maintenance
## Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control; then cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsadmin.conf /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/conf/omsadmin.conf; /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control restart scom; fi

## Install or upgrade
# Compiler mitigated agent version changes
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].s.x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].s.x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

## Uninstall
#scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh; then if test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l | grep scom | wc -l)" \= "1" && test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l | wc -l)" \= "1" || test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l)" \= "No Workspace"; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/uninstall; else /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -x scom; fi; else /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall; fi

## Log file monitoring
scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

### Examples ###
## Custom shell command monitoring example – replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c echo error

## Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron & 

# End user configuration for Operations Manager agent
# Example user configuration for Operations Manager 2019
# Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomuser
# Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

# General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

# Agent maintenance
## Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control; then cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsadmin.conf /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/conf/omsadmin.conf; /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control restart scom; fi

## Install or upgrade
# Compiler mitigated agent version changes
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].s.x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC  
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].s.x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC  
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC  
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

## Uninstall
#scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh; then if test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l | grep scom | wc -l)" \= "1" && test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l | wc -l)" \= "1" || test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l)" \= "No Workspace"; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/uninstall; else /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -x scom; fi; else /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall; fi

## Log file monitoring
scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

### Examples ###
## Custom shell command monitoring example – replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c echo error

## Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron & 

# End user configuration for Operations Manager agent

PowerPC 上の SLES (PPC)

# Example user configuration for Operations Manager 2019
# Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomuser
# Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

# General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

# Agent maintenance
## Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control; then cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsadmin.conf /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/conf/omsadmin.conf; /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control restart scom; fi

## Install or upgrade
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC  
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC  
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].ppc.sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

## Uninstall
#scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh; then if test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l | grep scom | wc -l)" \= "1" && test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l | wc -l)" \= "1" || test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l)" \= "No Workspace"; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/uninstall; else /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -x scom; fi; else /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall; fi

## Log file monitoring
scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

### Examples ###
## Custom shell command monitoring example – replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c echo error

## Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron & 

# End user configuration for Operations Manager agent
# Example user configuration for Operations Manager 1801-1807
# Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomadm
# Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

# General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

# Agent maintenance
## Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control; then cat /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; else cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; fi
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control; then mv /tmp/scx-scomadm/scom-cert.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; fi
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -r /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; then cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; else cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx-seclevel1.pem; fi

## SCOM Workspace
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control; then cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsadmin.conf /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/conf/omsadmin.conf; /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control restart scom; fi
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi

## Install or upgrade
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsagent-1.[0-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsagent-1.[0-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsagent-1.[0-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsagent-1.[0-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh && test ! -f /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/certs/scom-cert.pem; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -w scom; fi; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

## Uninstall
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh; then if test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l | grep scom | wc -l)" \= "1" && test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l | wc -l)" \= "1" || test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l)" \= "No Workspace"; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/uninstall; else /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -x scom; fi; else /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall; fi

## Log file monitoring
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

### Examples ###
## Custom shell command monitoring example -replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
#scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/bash -c \<shell command\>

## Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron &

# End user configuration for Operations Manager agent
# Example user configuration for Operations Manager 2016
# Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomuser
# Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

# General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

# Agent maintenance
## Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem

## Install or upgrade
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9][0-9]-[0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --force; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --force; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].sles.1[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --force; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

## Uninstall
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall

## Log file monitoring
scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

### Examples ###
## Custom shell command monitoring example – replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
# scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/bash -c \<shell command\>

## Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron & 

# End user configuration for Operations Manager agent

Universal Linux

ユニバーサル Linux には、Debian ベースと Red Hat ベースのオペレーティング システムの両方が含まれており、サポートされている最新の Linux オペレーティング システムとディストリビューションを見つける場所です。 このクラスの種類に該当するディストリビューションの一覧については、「サポートされている UNIX および Linux オペレーティング システムのバージョン」を参照してください。

# Example user configuration for Operations Manager 2022
# Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomuser
# Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

# General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

# Agent maintenance
## Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control; then cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsadmin.conf /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/conf/omsadmin.conf; /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control restart scom; fi

## Install or upgrade
# Compiler mitigated agent version changes
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].s.x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9]-[0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].s.x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9]-[0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

## Uninstall
#scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh; then if test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l | grep scom | wc -l)" \= "1" && test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l | wc -l)" \= "1" || test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l)" \= "No Workspace"; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/uninstall; else /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -x scom; fi; else /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall; fi

## Log file monitoring
scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

### Examples ###
## Custom shell command monitoring example – replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c echo error

## For ubuntu18
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/bash -c echo error

## Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron & 

# End user configuration for Operations Manager 
# Example user configuration for Operations Manager 2019
# Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomuser
# Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

# General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

# Agent maintenance
## Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control; then cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/omsadmin.conf /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/conf/omsadmin.conf; /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/service_control restart scom; fi

## Install or upgrade
# Compiler mitigated agent version changes

scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].s.x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9]-[0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC  
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].s.x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC  
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9]-[0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC  
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --enable-opsmgr; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

## Uninstall
#scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c if test -f /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh; then if test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l | grep scom | wc -l)" \= "1" && test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l | wc -l)" \= "1" || test "$(/opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -l)" \= "No Workspace"; then /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/uninstall; else /opt/microsoft/omsagent/bin/omsadmin.sh -x scom; fi; else /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall; fi

## Log file monitoring
scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

### Examples ###
## Custom shell command monitoring example – replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c echo error

## For ubuntu18
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/bash -c echo error

## Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron & 

## End user configuration for Operations Manager agent
# Example user configuration for Operations Manager 2016
# Example assumes users named: scomadm & scomuser
# Replace usernames & corresponding /tmp/scx-\<username\> specification for your environment

# General requirements
Defaults:scomadm !requiretty

# Agent maintenance
## Certificate signing
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cp /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx.pem /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/tools/scxadmin -restart
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c cat /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem

## Install or upgrade
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9]-[0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --install; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9]-[0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --force; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --force; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c sh /tmp/scx-scomadm/scx-1.[5-9].[0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9].universal[[\:alpha\:]].[[\:digit\:]].x[6-8][4-6].sh --upgrade --force; EC=$?; cd /tmp; rm -rf /tmp/scx-scomadm; exit $EC

## Uninstall
scomadm ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/uninstall

## Log file monitoring
scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/scxlogfilereader -p

### Examples ###
## Custom shell command monitoring example – replace \<shell command\> with the correct command string
# scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/bash -c \<shell command\>

## Daemon diagnostic and restart recovery tasks example (using cron)
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c ps -ef | grep cron | grep -v grep
#scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/cron & 

# End user configuration for Operations Manager agent


ExecuteShellScript メソッドを使用して管理者特権スクリプトを実行する場合は、sudoers ファイルに次の行を追加します。

scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/conf/tmpdir/scx*

ExecuteShellScript メソッドが、ランダムに生成されたファイル名 tmpdir を含む一時ファイルに昇格されたスクリプトの内容をコピーし、そこから実行するため、この行が必要です。

ExecuteShellCommand メソッドを使用して管理者特権のコマンドを実行する場合は、sudoers ファイルに次のようなものを追加します。

  • /bin/sh は、コマンドを実行しているユーザーの既定のシェルであり、(この例では) です。
  • /usr/bin/vmstat -c は、実行するコマンドです。
scomuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/vmstat -c



Sudo エラー ログ

sudoers 構成に関連する認証エラーをトラブルシューティングする最適な方法の 1 つは、エージェント ホスト上の sudo ログを検査することです。

  • RedHat ベースのオペレーティング システムの場合、既定のログの場所は です /var/log/secure
  • Debian ベースのオペレーティング システムの場合、既定のログの場所は です /var/log/auth.log

パラメーターの /etc/sudoers ファイルを logfile 調べて、別のオペレーティング システムまたはカスタマイズされたログの場所を使用している場合は、ログが現在書き込まれている場所を確認します。


既定では、sudo は、ユーザーに対して コマンドが で構成 NOPASSWD されていない場合にパスワードの入力を求めるメッセージを表示し、このようなメッセージが表示されたときにパスワードを自動的に入力する機能はなく、監視を中断します。 がコマンド用に構成されていない場合 NOPASSWD に拡張された問題を回避するには、ユーザー アカウントの sudoers で次のオプションを構成することをお勧めします。

Defaults:scomuser passwd_tries = 1, passwd_timeout = 1

次の使用例は、ユーザー scomuser に 1 分間のパスワード プロンプト タイムアウトを設定します。これにより、sudo 構成の問題が発生した場合にコマンドを迅速に失敗できます。

パスワード エラーまたはその他の認証エラー

パスワードと認証の構成に関するガイドラインについては、「 UNIX および Linux コンピューターにアクセスするためのセキュリティ資格情報の計画」を参照してください。