

WHvEmulatorTryIoEmulation and WHvEmulatorTryMmioEmulation


    _In_ WHV_EMULATOR_HANDLE Emulator,
    _In_ VOID* Context,
    _In_ const WHV_VP_EXIT_CONTEXT* VpContext,
    _In_ const WHV_X64_IO_PORT_ACCESS_CONTEXT* IoInstructionContext,
    _Out_ WHV_EMULATOR_STATUS* EmulatorReturnStatus

    _In_ WHV_EMULATOR_HANDLE Emulator,
    _In_ VOID* Context,
    _In_ const WHV_VP_EXIT_CONTEXT* VpContext,
    _In_ const WHV_MEMORY_ACCESS_CONTEXT* MmioInstructionContext,
    _Out_ WHV_EMULATOR_STATUS* EmulatorReturnStatus

Return Value

Attempt to emulate a given type of instruction with the given instruction context returned by the WinHv APIs from a WHvRunVirtualProcessor call. This function returns S_OK in most methods of operation, and EmulatorReturnStatus will be returned with additional information. If Emulator, or the instruction context are malformed, this function may return E_INVALIDARG. Any other return value indicates catastrophic failure, and the extended status should not be checked.

Emulator is a valid emulator handle returned from WHvEmulatorCreateEmulator.

Context is a void* which is passed into each callback method, used as a way for the virtualization stack to identify this emulation call.

EmulatorReturnStatus is extended status information about the emulation call. This return value is only valid if the function's return value was S_OK:

  • EmulationSuccessful: This emulation call was successful, the SetVirtualProcessorRegisters callback was called and the virtualization stack should continue running the processor.
  • InternalEmulationFailure: Some internal emulation failure occurred.
  • IoPortCallbackFailed: The registered Io Port callback did not return S_OK.
  • MemoryCallbackFailed: The registered Memory callback did not return S_OK.
  • TranslateGvaPageCallbackFailed: The registered TranslateGvaPage callback did not return S_OK.
  • TranslateGvaPageCallbackGpaPageIsNotAligned: The GpaPage address returned in the TranslateGvaPage callback was not 4K aligned.
  • GetVirtualProcessorRegistersCallbackFailed: The registered GetVirtualProcessorRegisters callback did not return S_OK.
  • SetVirtualProcessorRegistersCallbackFailed: The registered SetVirtualProcessorRegisters callback did not return S_OK.
  • InterruptCausedIntercept: A pending interrupt or fault caused this intercept, which the emulator cannot handle.
  • GuestCannotBeFaulted: The guest is currently in a state where injecting a fault would do nothing, and instead must be terminated in other ways.

NOTE: The hypervisor is not guaranteed to always return InstructionBytes in the exit context. If required, the emulator will fetch additional instruction bytes via the registered memory callback.

NOTE: Instructions that contain the x86 REP prefix will be internally resolved within the emulator by emulating that instruction multiple times, until the REP prefix condition is satisfied. This may result in multiple callbacks of the registered callback functions.

This function is not thread safe when reusing the same emulator handle in another thread. Other calling threads should either use a different instance of the emulator (ie one emulator per VP) or wait until the current emulation call has returned.