MSDN Magazine June 2010

MSDN Magazine June 2010

Silverlight Online:Silverlight in an Occasionally Connected World

We discuss the latest incarnation of occasionally connected Silverlight applications, which come with a highly interactive user experience and can run either inside or outside of a browser. Mark Bloodworth, Dave Brown

AppFabric Cache:Real-World Usage and Integration

Windows Server AppFabric provides a distributed cache for both web and desktop applications. Well show you how to integrate AppFabric caching into your apps, along with some hints for taking advantage of new cache features in the .NET Framework 4. Andrea Colaci

SOA Tips:Address Scalability Bottlenecks with Distributed Caching

SOA makes application scalability easier, but getting the best performance out of your SOA means paying close attention to the details. We’ll give you some tips for coding your app more effectively and using distributed caching to remove data access bottlenecks. Iqbal Khan

Thread Performance:Resource Contention Concurrency Profiling in Visual Studio 2010

Visual Studio 2010 includes new resource contention profiling features that help detect concurrency contention among threads. We walk through a profiling investigation to demonstrate how you can pinpoint and fix resource contention problems in your code. Maxim Goldin

Cloud Diagnostics:Take Control of Logging and Tracing in Windows Azure

It’s difficult to troubleshoot any application without a trail of clues to follow, and cloud apps are no different. We look at how logging and tracing are enabled for Windows Azure, and how you can use Windows PowerShell to manage diagnostics for a running service. Mike Kelly

Express Yourself:Encoding Videos Using Microsoft Expression Encoder 3 SDK

Video on the Web involves huge amounts of data. Learn the best way to manage and move that data with the help of Microsoft Expression Encoder 3. Adam Miller

Input Validation:Enforcing Complex Business Data Rules with WPF

Windows Presentation Foundation has a rich data binding system that includes flexible support for business data validation. We take a look at implementing some complex data input validation scenarios that include customized data errors for users. Brian Noyes

Practical OData:Building Rich Internet Apps with the Open Data Protocol

See how you can build Rich Internet Applications that take advantage of the OData protocol to creatively interact with Silverlight, PowerPivot, SQL Server, SharePoint, the Windows Azure platform, “Dallas” and more. Shayne Burgess


Editor's Note:We're All Ears

Help us help you, by sending your feedback on various topics.Keith Ward

Cutting Edge:C# 4.0, the Dynamic Keyword and COM

Are you a Microsoft .NET Framework programmer who struggles with critical legacy applications using COM objects that are beyond your control? Dino Esposito shows how to lessen the burden by going dynamic.Dino Esposito

CLR Inside Out:F# Fundamentals

F# is a new, functional and object-oriented programming language for the Microsoft .NET Framework. To help you get started using it, we take a look at some of the core concepts in the F# language and its implementation on top of the CLR.Luke Hoban

Test Run:Generating Graphs with WPF

A common software-development task is generating a graph from a set of test-related data. But if you're doing it by hand and the underlying data changes frequently, this particular task can become quite tedious. James McCaffrey shows you how to automate the process using Windows Presentation Foundation technology.James McCaffrey

Basic Instincts:Multi-Targeting Visual Basic Applications in Visual Studio 2010

Visual Studio 2010 lets you create applications that target versions of the Microsoft .NET Framework from 2.0 to 4, and each step in between. We take a look at how multi-targeting works in Visual Studio today, and explain how you should approach multi-targeting in your projects.Spotty Bowles

The Working Programmer:Going NoSQL with MongoDB, Part 2

Ted Neward continues his dissection of the alternative MongoDB database system, using exploration testing to investigate the underlying technology.Ted Neward

UI Frontiers:The Ins and Outs of ItemsControl

Charles Petzold performs more UI magic by implementing a variation of the drag-and-drop that presents users with a natural, fluid look and feel.Charles Petzold

Don't Get Me Started:Chainsaw Development

It’s time to standardize the UI for Windows Presentation Foundation.David Platt